voms_apic.h (3) - Linux Manuals
voms_apic.h -
#include <openssl/x509.h>
#include <time.h>
#include 'newformat.h'
Data Structures
struct data
User's characteristics: can be repeated.
struct attribute
struct contactdata
The type of data returned.
struct voms
struct vomsdata
#define NOGLOBUS
#define TYPE_NODATA 0
#define TYPE_STD 1
#define TYPE_CUSTOM 2
#define RECURSE_NONE 1
#define VERIFY_FULL 0xffffffff
#define VERIFY_NONE 0x00000000
#define VERIFY_DATE 0x00000001
#define VERIFY_NOTARGET 0x00000002
#define VERIFY_KEY 0x00000004
#define VERIFY_SIGN 0x00000008
#define VERIFY_ORDER 0x00000010
#define VERIFY_ID 0x00000020
#define VERIFY_CERTLIST 0x00000040
#define VERR_NONE 0
Error codes.
#define VERR_NOIDENT 2
#define VERR_COMM 3
#define VERR_PARAM 4
#define VERR_NOEXT 5
#define VERR_NOINIT 6
#define VERR_TIME 7
#define VERR_IDCHECK 8
#define VERR_FORMAT 10
#define VERR_NODATA 11
#define VERR_PARSE 12
#define VERR_DIR 13
#define VERR_SIGN 14
#define VERR_SERVER 15
#define VERR_MEM 16
#define VERR_VERIFY 17
#define VERR_TYPE 18
#define VERR_ORDER 19
#define VERR_NOTAVAIL 21
typedef void * gss_cred_id_t
typedef void * gss_ctx_id_t
struct contactdata ** VOMS_FindByAlias (struct vomsdata *vd, char *alias, char *system, char *user, int *error)
struct contactdata ** VOMS_FindByVO (struct vomsdata *vd, char *vo, char *system, char *user, int *error)
void VOMS_DeleteContacts (struct contactdata **list)
struct vomsdata * VOMS_Init (char *voms, char *cert)
struct voms * VOMS_Copy (struct voms *v, int *error)
struct vomsdata * VOMS_CopyAll (struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
void VOMS_Delete (struct voms *v)
int VOMS_AddTarget (struct vomsdata *vd, char *target, int *error)
void VOMS_FreeTargets (struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
char * VOMS_ListTargets (struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_SetVerificationType (int type, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_SetLifetime (int length, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
void VOMS_Destroy (struct vomsdata *vd)
int VOMS_ResetOrder (struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_Ordering (char *order, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_Contact (char *hostname, int port, char *servsubject, char *command, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_ContactRaw (char *hostname, int port, char *servsubject, char *command, void **data, int *datalen, int *version, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_Retrieve (X509 *cert, STACK_OF(X509)*chain, int how, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_Import (char *buffer, int buflen, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_Export (char **buffer, int *buflen, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
struct voms * VOMS_DefaultData (struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
char * VOMS_ErrorMessage (struct vomsdata *vd, int error, char *buffer, int len)
int VOMS_RetrieveEXT (X509_EXTENSION *ext, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_RetrieveFromCred (gss_cred_id_t cred, int how, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_RetrieveFromFile (FILE *file, int how, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_RetrieveFromCtx (gss_ctx_id_t ctx, int how, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_RetrieveFromProxy (int how, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_RetrieveFromAC (AC *ac, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_GetAttributeSourcesNumber (struct voms *v, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_GetAttributeSourceHandle (struct voms *v, int num, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
const char * VOMS_GetAttributeGrantor (struct voms *v, int handle, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_GetAttributesNumber (struct voms *v, int handle, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_GetAttribute (struct voms *v, int handle, int num, struct attribute *at, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
struct vomsdata * VOMS_Duplicate (struct vomsdata *vd)
AC * VOMS_GetAC (struct voms *v)
int getMajorVersionNumber (void)
int getMinorVersionNumber (void)
int getPatchVersionNumber (void)
int VOMS_SetVerificationTime (time_t verificationtime, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
char ** VOMS_GetTargetsList (struct voms *v, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
void VOMS_FreeTargetsList (char **)
int VOMS_SetTimeout (int t, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_LoadCredentials (X509 *cert, EVP_PKEY *pkey, STACK_OF(X509)*chain, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
Macro Definition Documentation
#define NOGLOBUS
Definition at line 33 of file voms_apic.h.
Definition at line 113 of file voms_apic.h.
#define RECURSE_NONE 1
Definition at line 114 of file voms_apic.h.
#define TYPE_CUSTOM 2
result of an S commandDefinition at line 85 of file voms_apic.h.
#define TYPE_NODATA 0
no dataDefinition at line 83 of file voms_apic.h.
#define TYPE_STD 1
group, role, capability tripletDefinition at line 84 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERIFY_CERTLIST 0x00000040
Definition at line 124 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERIFY_DATE 0x00000001
Definition at line 118 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERIFY_FULL 0xffffffff
Definition at line 116 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERIFY_ID 0x00000020
Definition at line 123 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERIFY_KEY 0x00000004
Definition at line 120 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERIFY_NONE 0x00000000
Definition at line 117 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERIFY_NOTARGET 0x00000002
Definition at line 119 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERIFY_ORDER 0x00000010
Definition at line 122 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERIFY_SIGN 0x00000008
Definition at line 121 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERR_COMM 3
Server problemDefinition at line 131 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERR_DIR 13
Directory errorDefinition at line 143 of file voms_apic.h.
VO name and URI missingDefinition at line 139 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERR_FORMAT 10
Wrong data formatDefinition at line 140 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERR_IDCHECK 8
User data in extension different from the real onesDefinition at line 136 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERR_MEM 16
Memory problemsDefinition at line 146 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERR_NODATA 11
Empty extensionDefinition at line 141 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERR_NOEXT 5
VOMS extension missingDefinition at line 133 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERR_NOIDENT 2
Cannot identify itself (certificate problem)Definition at line 130 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERR_NOINIT 6
Initialization errorDefinition at line 134 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERR_NONE 0
Error codes.
Definition at line 128 of file voms_apic.h.
Socket problemDefinition at line 129 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERR_NOTAVAIL 21
Method not availableDefinition at line 151 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERR_ORDER 19
Ordering different than requiredDefinition at line 149 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERR_PARAM 4
Wrong parametersDefinition at line 132 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERR_PARSE 12
Parse errorDefinition at line 142 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERR_SERVER 15
Unidentifiable VOMS serverDefinition at line 145 of file voms_apic.h.
Error from the serverDefinition at line 150 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERR_SIGN 14
Signature errorDefinition at line 144 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERR_TIME 7
Error in time checkingDefinition at line 135 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERR_TYPE 18
Returned data of unknown typeDefinition at line 148 of file voms_apic.h.
#define VERR_VERIFY 17
Generic verification errorDefinition at line 147 of file voms_apic.h.
Typedef Documentation
typedef void* gss_cred_id_t
Definition at line 42 of file voms_apic.h.
typedef void* gss_ctx_id_t
Definition at line 43 of file voms_apic.h.
Function Documentation
int getMajorVersionNumber (void)
int getMinorVersionNumber (void)
int getPatchVersionNumber (void)
int VOMS_AddTarget (struct vomsdata *vd, char *target, int *error)
Adds a target to the AC.Parameters:
vd The vomsdata structure.
target The target to add. It should be a FQDN.
error RETURN PARAMETER: qualifies the error message.
- failure (0) or success (<>0)
int VOMS_Contact (char *hostname, intport, char *servsubject, char *command, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
Contacts a VOMS server to get a certificateIt is the equivalent of the voms_proxy_init command, but without the --include functionality.
hostname FQDN of the VOMS server
port the port on which the VOMS server is listening
servsubject the subject of the server's certificate
command Command
vd RETURN PARAMETER: contains the data returned by the connection
error RETURN PARAMETER: Qualifies the error message
- failure (0) or success (<>0)
int VOMS_ContactRaw (char *hostname, intport, char *servsubject, char *command, void **data, int *datalen, int *version, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
The same as VOMS_Contact, except that instead of starting the verification process, the data is returned as is in theParameters:
data and
datalen fields.
hostname FQDN of the VOMS server
port the port on which the VOMS server is listening
servsubject the subject of the server's certificate
command the command sent to the server
version is the version number of the data.
vd RETURN PARAMETER: contains the data returned by the connection
error RETURN PARAMETER: Qualifies the error message
- failure (0) or success (<>0)
struct voms* VOMS_Copy (struct voms *v, int *error)
Copies a voms structure. N.B: This is the ONLY way to correctly initialize a voms structure as a
The function does verify the data.
If voms_dir is empty, the value of the environment variable X509_VOMS_DIR is taken
If cert_dir is empty, the value of the environment variable X509_CERT_DIR is taken
Generated automatically by Doxygen for VOMS C API from the source code.
error RETURN PARAMETER: qualifies the error message.
struct vomsdata* VOMS_CopyAll (struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
Copies a vomsdata structure.
N.B: This is the ONLY way to correctly initialize a vomsdata structure as a
error RETURN PARAMETER: qualifies the error message.
struct voms* VOMS_DefaultData (struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
Gets the default attributes from a vomsdata structure.
error RETURN PARAMETER: Qualifies the error message
void VOMS_Delete (struct voms *v)
Deletes a voms structure
void VOMS_DeleteContacts (struct contactdata **list)
Frees a contactdata vector.
void VOMS_Destroy (struct vomsdata *vd)
Destroys a proper vomsdata structure /param vd The structure to deallocate.
struct vomsdata* VOMS_Duplicate (struct vomsdata *vd)
char* VOMS_ErrorMessage (struct vomsdata *vd, interror, char *buffer, intlen)
Gets a textual description of the error.
error The error returned by the last function
buffer A pointer to a buffer where the error message will be written. If NULL, then memory is allocated by the function, and will have to be free()ed by the caller.
len The length of the memory pointed to by the buffer parameter.
int VOMS_Export (char **buffer, int *buflen, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
Converts data into a test format
buflen OUTPUT PARAMETER contains the length of buffer
vd contains the data to convert
error RETURN PARAMETER Qualifies the error message
struct contactdata** VOMS_FindByAlias (struct vomsdata *vd, char *alias, char *system, char *user, int *error)
Gets a list of VOMS servers which share an alias.
alias The alias to look for.
system The directory in which to look for the system configuration files. If NULL, defaults to /opt/edc/etc/vomses
user The directory in which to look for the user configuration files. Defaults to $VOMS_USERCONF if NULL. Again defaults to $HOME/.edg/vomses if the latter is NULL, or to ~/.edg/vomses as a last resort.
error RETURN PARAMETER: qualifies the error message.
struct contactdata** VOMS_FindByVO (struct vomsdata *vd, char *vo, char *system, char *user, int *error)
Gets a list of VOMS servers which serve the same VO.
vo The VO to look for.
system The directory in which to look for the system configuration files. If NULL, defaults to /opt/edc/etc/vomses
user The directory in which to look for the user configuration files. Defaults to $VOMS_USERCONF if NULL. Again defaults to $HOME/.edg/vomses if the latter is NULL, or to ~/.edg/vomses as a last resort.
error RETURN PARAMETER: qualifies the error message.
void VOMS_FreeTargets (struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
Delete the targets from the AC.
error RETURN PARAMETER: qualifies the error message.
void VOMS_FreeTargetsList (char **)
AC* VOMS_GetAC (struct voms *v)
int VOMS_GetAttribute (struct voms *v, inthandle, intnum, struct attribute *at, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
const char* VOMS_GetAttributeGrantor (struct voms *v, inthandle, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_GetAttributesNumber (struct voms *v, inthandle, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_GetAttributeSourceHandle (struct voms *v, intnum, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_GetAttributeSourcesNumber (struct voms *v, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
char** VOMS_GetTargetsList (struct voms *v, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_Import (char *buffer, intbuflen, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
Converts data from the format used for inclusion into a certificate to the internal format
buflen contains the length of buffer
vd RETURN PARAMETER: contains the data returned by the connection
error RETURN PARAMETER: Qualifies the error message
struct vomsdata* VOMS_Init (char *voms, char *cert)
Initializes a vomsdata structure for use by the other functions. N.B: This is the ONLY way to correctly initialize a vomsdata structure. It is also forbidden to directly take the sizeof() of this structure.
cert The directory which contains the CA certificates
char* VOMS_ListTargets (struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_LoadCredentials (X509 *cert, EVP_PKEY *pkey, STACK_OF(X509)*chain, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_Ordering (char *order, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
Further specified the order of the returned attributes. Please do note that calls are cumulative unless VOMS_ResetOrder() is called.
vd RETURN PARAMETER: contains the modified data.
error RETURN PARAMETER: Qualifies the error message
int VOMS_ResetOrder (struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
Unsets the return order of the attributes.
error RETURN PARAMETER: Qualifies the error message
int VOMS_Retrieve (X509 *cert, STACK_OF(X509)*chain, inthow, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
Extracts the VOMS extension from an X.509 certificate.
The function doesn't check the validity of the certificates,
but it does check the content of the user data.
aram cert The certificate with the VOMS extensions
aram chain The chain of the validation certificates
(only the intermediate ones)
aram how Recursion type
aram vd RETURN PARAMETER: contains the data returned by the connection
aram error RETURN PARAMETER: Qualifies the error message
eturn failure (0) or success (<>0)
int VOMS_RetrieveEXT (X509_EXTENSION *ext, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
Gets VOMS information from the given extension
vd RETURN PARAMETER: contains the data returned by the connection
error RETURN PARAMETER: Qualifies the error message
int VOMS_RetrieveFromAC (AC *ac, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
Gets VOMS information from an existing globus proxy
vd RETURN PARAMETER: contains the data returned by the connection
error RETURN PARAMETER: Qualifies the error message
int VOMS_RetrieveFromCred (gss_cred_id_tcred, inthow, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
Gets VOMS information from the given globus credential
how Recursion type
vd RETURN PARAMETER: contains the data returned by the connection
error RETURN PARAMETER: Qualifies the error message
int VOMS_RetrieveFromCtx (gss_ctx_id_tctx, inthow, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
Gets VOMS information from the given globus context
how Recursion type
vd RETURN PARAMETER: contains the data returned by the connection
error RETURN PARAMETER: Qualifies the error message
int VOMS_RetrieveFromFile (FILE *file, inthow, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
Gets VOMS information from the given globus credential
how Recursion type
vd RETURN PARAMETER: contains the data returned by the connection
error RETURN PARAMETER: Qualifies the error message
int VOMS_RetrieveFromProxy (inthow, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
Gets VOMS information from an existing globus proxy
vd RETURN PARAMETER: contains the data returned by the connection
error RETURN PARAMETER: Qualifies the error message
int VOMS_SetLifetime (intlength, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
Set requested lifetime for VOMS_Contact() calls.
vd RETURN PARAMETER: contains the modified data.
error RETURN PARAMETER: Qualifies the error message
int VOMS_SetTimeout (intt, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_SetVerificationTime (time_tverificationtime, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)
int VOMS_SetVerificationType (inttype, struct vomsdata *vd, int *error)