xmgrace (1) - Linux Manuals

xmgrace: command line interface


grace - command line interface
xmgrace - full-featured GUI mode
gracebat - batch mode - print and exit


Grace is a WYSIWYG tool to make two-dimensional plots of scientific data.


grace [ option | filename ]...
xmgrace [ option | filename ]...
gracebat [ option | filename ]...


-autoscale x|y|xy|none
Set autoscale type
Turn off all toolbars
-batch file
Execute batch file on start up (i.e., after all other options have been processed and the UI initialized)
-block file
Assume the data file is block data
-bxy x:y:etc.
Form a set from the current block data set using the current set type from columns given in the argument
-datehint iso|european|us|days|seconds|nohint
Set the hint for dates analysis
-dpipe descriptor
Read data from descriptor on startup
-fixed width height
Set canvas size fixed to width*height
Use free page layout
-graph number
Set the current graph number
-graphtype xy|chart|fixed|polar|pie
Set the type of the current graph
No interactive session, just print and quit
-hdevice device_name
Set default hardcopy device. See xmgrace -version for a list of supported devices.
Install private colormap
-legend load
Turn the graph legend on
-log x|y|xy
Set the axis scaling of the current graph to logarithmic
-maxpath length
Set the maximal drawing path length
Run grace in monochrome mode (affects the display only)
-netcdf file
Assume data file is in netCDF format. This option is present only if the netCDF support was compiled in
-netcdfxy X_var Y_var
If -netcdf was used previously, read from the netCDF file X_var and Y_var variables and create a set. If X_var is "null" then load the index of Y to X. This option is present only if the netCDF support was compiled in
Assume the answer is yes to all requests, if the operation would overwrite a file, grace will do so without prompting
Don't use private colormap
In batch mode, do not print
Disable safe mode
Don't catch signals
-npipe file
Read data from named pipe on startup
-nxy file
Assume data file is in X Y1 Y2 Y3 ... format
-param file
Load parameters from file to the current graph
-pexec string
Interpret string as a parameter setting
Read data from stdin on startup
-printfile file
Save print output to file
Remove data file(s) after read
-results file
Write results of some data manipulations to file
Exchange the color indices for black and white
Run in the safe mode (default)
-saveall file
Save all to file
-seed value
Integer seed for random number generator
-settype xy|xydx|...
Set the type of the next data file
-source disk|pipe
Source type of next data file
-timer delay
Set allowed time slice for real time inputs to delay ms
Add timestamp to plot
Show the program version, registered devices and build time configuration information.
-viewport xmin ymin xmax ymax
Set the viewport for the current graph
-wd path
Set the working directory
-world xmin ymin xmax ymax
Set the world coordinates for the current graph
This message


When run in the GUI mode, the interface is a subject to X resource settings.
Please refer to the User's Guide for a list of important ones.


Specifies the directory where the Grace docs and libs are stored. Default is /usr/local/grace
The shell command to run an HTML viewer for on-line browsing of the help documents. Must include at least one instance of "%s" which will be replaced with the actual URL by Grace. Default is mozilla %s
Specifies the editor which is used to edit sets. Default is xterm -e vi
The print command.
and GRACE_FFTW_WISDOM_FILE A flag (0 or 1) and a file name which determine whether a FFT should use `wisdom' when using the FFTW libraries.


In many cases, when Grace needs to access a file given with a relative pathname , it searches for the file along the following path:

The following files are of a special importance:

gracerc - init file loaded upon start up.

templates/Default.agr - the default template, loaded whenever a new project is started.

fonts/FontDataBase - the file responsible for font configuration.




The best way to submit a bug report is using the "Help/Comments" menu entry. Alternatively, see the home page.


Grace is derived from ACE/gr (a.k.a Xmgr ) written by Paul J Turner. From version number 4.00, the development was taken over by a team of volunteers under the coordination of Evgeny Stambulchik.


Copyright (c) 1991-1995 Paul J Turner, Portland, OR
Copyright (c) 1996-2007 Grace Development Team


The program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


grconvert(1), X(1) [or Xorg(1)], Grace User's Guide