std::fgetwc (3) - Linux Manuals

std::fgetwc: std::fgetwc


std::fgetwc - std::fgetwc


Defined in header <cwchar>
wint_t fgetwc( std::FILE* stream );
wint_t getwc( std::FILE* stream );

Reads the next wide character from the given input stream. getwc() may be implemented as a macro and may evaluate stream more than once.


stream - to read the wide character from

Return value

The next wide character from the stream or WEOF if an error has occurred or the end of file has been reached. If an encoding error occurred, errno is set to EILSEQ.

See also

        gets a character from a file stream
fgetc (function)
        gets a wide string from a file stream
fgetws (function)
        writes a wide character to a file stream
fputwc (function)
        puts a wide character back into a file stream
ungetwc (function)