atomic-run (1) - Linux Manuals

atomic-run: Execute container image run method


atomic-run - Execute container image run method


atomic run [-h|--help] [--display] [-n][--name[=NAME]] [--spc] [--storage] [--quiet] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]


atomic run attempts to start an existing container or run a container from an image, first reading the LABEL RUN field in the container IMAGE.

If the container image has a LABEL RUN instruction like the following:

LABEL RUN /usr/bin/docker run -t -i --rm \${OPT1} --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN --net=host -v \${LOGDIR}:/var/log -v \${DATADIR}:/var/lib --name \${NAME} \${IMAGE} \${OPT2} \${OPT3}

atomic run will run the following:

/usr/bin/docker run -t -i --rm --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN --net=host -v ${LOGDIR}:/var/log -v ${DATADIR}:/var/lib --name ${NAME} ${IMAGE}

If this field does not exist, atomic run defaults to the following:

/usr/bin/docker run -t -i --rm -v ${LOGDIR}:/var/log -v ${DATADIR}:/var/lib --name ${NAME} ${IMAGE}

These defaults are suggested values for your container images.

atomic run will set the following environment variables for use in the command:

  The name specified via the command.  NAME will be replaced with IMAGE if it is not specified.

  The name and image specified via the command.

  Additional options which can be specified via the command.

  The SUDO_UID environment variable.  This is useful with the docker -u option for user space tools.  If the environment variable is not available, the value of /proc/self/loginuid is used.

  The SUDO_GID environment variable.  This is useful with the docker -u option for user space tools.  If the environment variable is not available, the default GID of the value for SUDO_UID is used.  If this value is not available, the value of /proc/self/loginuid is used.

  Content of file specified by LABEL RUN_OPTS_FILE.  During atomic install, the can populate the file with any additional options that need to be passed to docker run, for example --hostname=www.example.test or --net host. The file name undergoes environment variable expansion, so for example LABEL RUN_OPTS_FILE '/var/lib/${NAME}/docker-run-opts' can be used to store per-container configuration.


-h --help
  Print usage statement

  Display the image's run options and environment variables populated into the run command. The run command will not execute if --display is specified. If --display is not specified the run command will execute.

--n --name=""
Use this name for creating run content for the container. NAME will default to the IMAGENAME if it is not specified.

  Run container in super privileged container mode.  The image will run with the following command:

/usr/bin/docker run -t -i --rm --privileged -v /:/host -v /run:/run --net=host --ipc=host --pid=host -e HOST=/host -e NAME=${NAME} -e IMAGE=${IMAGE} --name ${NAME} ${IMAGE}

Allows you to override the default definition for the storage backend where your image will reside if pulled.  If the image is already local, the --storage option will dictate where atomic should look for the image prior to running. Valid options are docker and ostree.

  Run without verbose messaging (i.e. security warnings).


January 2015, Originally compiled by Daniel Walsh (dwalsh at redhat dot com) July 2015, edited by Sally O'Malley (somalley at redhat dot com)