insync (1) - Linux Manuals

insync: command line interface for the Insync process


insync - command line interface for the Insync process


insync [COMMAND] [ARGUMENT]...


Command line interface for the Insync process. Insync is an application that syncs all your Google Drive & OneDrive accounts to your local filesystem. It integrates with your file manager so you can use your Google Drive or OneDrive files locally while getting the benefits of the cloud. Sync any local folder, sync multiple accounts and sync across Linux, Windows and Mac.


Help command

insync [COMMAND] --help
If COMMAND is given, shows the help message for it; if not, show the basic help message.

Commands for controlling Insync

insync start [OPTION]...
Start Insync.


--no-daemon - don't detach from the terminal, log output to stdout

insync show
Show Insync.

insync hide
Hide Insync.

File commands

insync open-gdlink-file FULL_PATH
Open the selected google docs link file (.gddocs) in Web browser.


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Created by the Insync team.