opainfo (1) - Linux Manuals



Provides summary information for local HFI port(s).


opainfo [-h hfi] [-p port] [-o type] [-g] [-d detail] [-v [-v]...]


Produces full help text.

-h hfi
HFI, numbered 1..n. Default = 0 which specifies the first HFI that has the first active port.

-p port
Port, numbered 1..n. Using 0 specifies the first active port across all HFIs/ports. Default = 1 which indicates all ports. If selected, the tool returns information on all available ports if p is not defined.

-o type
Output type specified and can appear more than once.

NOTE: Behavior without -o gives a brief summary of portinfo, counters and cableinfo.

info Outputs detailed portinfo.

stats Outputs detailed port counters.

Output is displayed in line-by-line format. Default = summary format.

-d detail
Output detail level. Range = 0 - 4. CableInfo only. Default = 0.

NOTE: -d option is ignored when used with -o type.

0 Minimal crucial information (for example, cable length, vendor)

1 Brief summary

2 Extended brief summary

3 Verbose output

4 Verbose and debug output. Lists all settings both statically and dynamically configured in the cable.

-h and -p options permit a variety of selections:

-h 0
All ports on all HFIs (default).

-h 0 -p 0
First active port in system.

-h x
All active ports on HFI x.

-h x#8217#160;-p 0
First active port on HFI x.

-h 0 -p y
Port y#8217#160;within system (no matter which ports are active).

-h x#8217#160;-p y
HFI x, port y

Debug Options

Verbose output. Additional invocations (#8217#8211;v -v ...) turn on debugging, openib debugging, and libibumad debugging.


hfi1_0:1 PortGID:0xfe80000000000000:001175010165b19c
PortState: Active
LinkSpeed Act: 25Gb En: 25Gb
LinkWidth Act: 4 En: 4
LinkWidthDnGrd ActTx: 4 Rx: 4 En: 3,4
LCRC Act: 14-bit En: 14-bit,16-bit,48-bit Mgmt: True
LID: 0x00000001-0x00000001 SM LID: 0x00000002 SL: 0
QSFP: PassiveCu, 1m FCI Electronics P/N 10131941-2010LF Rev 5
Xmit Data: 22581581 MB Pkts: 5100825193
Recv Data: 18725619 MB Pkts: 4024569756
Link Quality: 5 (Excellent)