catalog.h (3) - Linux Manuals
catalog.h -
C wrapper for DMLite Catalog API.
#include 'dmlite.h'
#include 'inode.h'
#include 'utils.h'
typedef struct dmlite_dir dmlite_dir
int dmlite_chdir (dmlite_context *context, const char *path)
Changes the working dir.
char * dmlite_getcwd (dmlite_context *context, char *buffer, size_t size)
Gets the current working directory.
mode_t dmlite_umask (dmlite_context *context, mode_t mask)
Sets the file mode creation mask.
int dmlite_stat (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, struct stat *buf)
Does a stat of a file or directory.
int dmlite_statl (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, struct stat *buf)
Does a stat of a file, directory, or symbolic link (does not follow).
int dmlite_statx (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, dmlite_xstat *buf)
Does an extended stat of a file, directory or symbolic link.
int dmlite_rstatx (dmlite_context *context, const char *rfn, dmlite_xstat *buf)
Does an extended stat of a logical file using an associated replica filename.
int dmlite_access (dmlite_context *context, const char *lfn, int mode)
Checks wether the process would be allowed to read, write, or check existence.
int dmlite_accessr (dmlite_context *context, const char *rfn, int mode)
Checks wether the process would be allowed to read, write, or check existence.
int dmlite_addreplica (dmlite_context *context, const dmlite_replica *replica)
Adds a new replica to an entry.
int dmlite_delreplica (dmlite_context *context, const dmlite_replica *replica)
Deletes a replica.
int dmlite_getreplicas (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, unsigned *nReplicas, dmlite_replica **fileReplicas)
Gets the replicas of a file.
int dmlite_replicas_free (unsigned nReplicas, dmlite_replica *fileReplicas)
Frees a replica list.
int dmlite_symlink (dmlite_context *context, const char *oldPath, const char *newPath)
Creates a symlink.
int dmlite_readlink (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, char *buf, size_t bufsize)
Reads a symlink.
int dmlite_unlink (dmlite_context *context, const char *path)
Removes a file.
int dmlite_create (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, mode_t mode)
Creates a file in the catalog (no replicas).
int dmlite_chmod (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, mode_t mode)
Changes the mode of a file or directory.
int dmlite_chown (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, uid_t newUid, gid_t newGid)
Changes the owner of a file or directory.
int dmlite_lchown (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, uid_t newUid, gid_t newGid)
Changes the owner of a file, directory or symlink (does not follow).
int dmlite_setfsize (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, uint64_t filesize)
Changes the size of a file in the catalog.
int dmlite_setfsizec (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, uint64_t filesize, const char *csumtype, const char *csumvalue)
Changes the size and checksum of a file in the catalog.
int dmlite_getchecksum (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, const char *csumtype, char *csumvalue, const int maxcksumlen, const char *pfn, const int forcerecalc, const int waitsecs)
Gets the checksum of a file in the catalog.
int dmlite_setacl (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, unsigned nEntries, dmlite_aclentry *acl)
Changes the ACL of a file.
int dmlite_utime (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, const struct utimbuf *buf)
Changes access and/or modification time.
int dmlite_getcomment (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, char *comment, size_t bufsize)
Gets the comment associated with a file.
int dmlite_setcomment (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, const char *comment)
Sets the comment associated with a file.
int dmlite_setguid (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, const char *guid)
Sets the file Grid Unique Identifier.
int dmlite_update_xattr (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, const dmlite_any_dict *xattr)
Updates the file extended attributes.
int dmlite_getgrpbynam (dmlite_context *context, const char *groupName, gid_t *gid)
Gets the id of a group.
int dmlite_getusrbynam (dmlite_context *context, const char *userName, uid_t *uid)
Get the user id.
dmlite_dir * dmlite_opendir (dmlite_context *context, const char *path)
Opens a directory to read it later.
int dmlite_closedir (dmlite_context *context, dmlite_dir *dir)
Closes a directory and free the internal structures.
struct dirent * dmlite_readdir (dmlite_context *context, dmlite_dir *dir)
Reads an entry from a directory.
dmlite_xstat * dmlite_readdirx (dmlite_context *context, dmlite_dir *dir)
Reads an entry from a directory (extended data).
int dmlite_mkdir (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, mode_t mode)
Creates a new directory.
int dmlite_rename (dmlite_context *context, const char *oldPath, const char *newPath)
Renames a file, directory or symlink.
int dmlite_rmdir (dmlite_context *context, const char *path)
Deletes a directory. It must be empty.
int dmlite_getreplica_by_rfn (dmlite_context *context, const char *rfn, dmlite_replica *replica)
Gets a specific replica.
int dmlite_updatereplica (dmlite_context *context, const dmlite_replica *replica)
Updates a replica.
Detailed Description
C wrapper for DMLite Catalog API.
- Alejandro Álvarez Ayllon aalvarez [at]
Typedef Documentation
typedef struct dmlite_dir dmlite_dir
Function Documentation
int dmlite_access (dmlite_context *context, const char *lfn, intmode)
Checks wether the process would be allowed to read, write, or check existence.
context The DM context.
lfn Logical filename.
mode A mask consisting of one or more of R_OK, W_OK, X_OK and F_OK.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_accessr (dmlite_context *context, const char *rfn, intmode)
Checks wether the process would be allowed to read, write, or check existence.
context The DM context.
rfn Replica filename.
mode A mask consisting of one or more of R_OK, W_OK, X_OK and F_OK.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_addreplica (dmlite_context *context, const dmlite_replica *replica)
Adds a new replica to an entry.
context The DM context.
replica The replica to add.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_chdir (dmlite_context *context, const char *path)
Changes the working dir.
context The DM context.
path The new working dir.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_chmod (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, mode_tmode)
Changes the mode of a file or directory.
context The DM context.
path The logical path.
mode The new mode.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_chown (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, uid_tnewUid, gid_tnewGid)
Changes the owner of a file or directory.
context The DM context.
path The logical path.
newUid The new owner.
newGid The new group.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_closedir (dmlite_context *context, dmlite_dir *dir)
Closes a directory and free the internal structures.
context The DM context.
dir The pointer returned by dmlite_opendir.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_create (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, mode_tmode)
Creates a file in the catalog (no replicas).
context The DM context.
path The logical file name.
mode The creation mode.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_delreplica (dmlite_context *context, const dmlite_replica *replica)
Deletes a replica.
context The DM context.
replica The replica to delete.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_getchecksum (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, const char *csumtype, char *csumvalue, const intmaxcksumlen, const char *pfn, const intforcerecalc, const intwaitsecs)
Gets the checksum of a file in the catalog.
context The DM context.
path The logical path.
csumtype The wanted checksum type (CS, AD or MD. We can also pass a long checksum name (e.g. checksum.adler32))
csumvalue The wanted checksum value will be written into this string. Make sure it has enough space.
maxcksumlen Max allowed length for a checksum, to avoid buffer overflows.
pfn Optional: the corresponding replica for which to calculate a checksum
forcerecalc True if nonzero. Force recalculation of the checksum (may take long and return EAGAIN)
waitsecs Seconds to wait for a checksum to be calculated. Returns EAGAIN if timeouts. Set to 0 for blocking behavior.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_getcomment (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, char *comment, size_tbufsize)
Gets the comment associated with a file.
context The DM context.
path The logical path.
comment Where to put the retrieved comment. It must be at least of size COMMENT_MAX.
bufsize Size of the memory zone pointed by comment.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
char* dmlite_getcwd (dmlite_context *context, char *buffer, size_tsize)
Gets the current working directory.
context The DM context.
buffer If not NULL, the path will be stored here. malloc will be used otherwise.
size The buffer size.
- A pointer to a string with the current working dir.
int dmlite_getgrpbynam (dmlite_context *context, const char *groupName, gid_t *gid)
Gets the id of a group.
context The DM context.
groupName The group name.
gid Where to put the group ID.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_getreplica_by_rfn (dmlite_context *context, const char *rfn, dmlite_replica *replica)
Gets a specific replica.
context The DM context.
rfn The replica file name.
replica A buffer where the retrieved data will be put.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_getreplicas (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, unsigned *nReplicas, dmlite_replica **fileReplicas)
Gets the replicas of a file.
context The DM context.
path The logical file name.
nReplicas The number of entries will be put here.
fileReplicas An array with nEntries elements will be stored here. Use dmlite_replicas_free to free it.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_getusrbynam (dmlite_context *context, const char *userName, uid_t *uid)
Get the user id.
context The DM context.
userName The user name.
uid Where to put the user ID.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_lchown (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, uid_tnewUid, gid_tnewGid)
Changes the owner of a file, directory or symlink (does not follow).
context The DM context.
path The logical path.
newUid The new owner.
newGid The new group.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_mkdir (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, mode_tmode)
Creates a new directory.
context The DM context.
path The directory for the new path. All the precedent folders must exist.
mode Permissions to use for the creation.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
dmlite_dir* dmlite_opendir (dmlite_context *context, const char *path)
Opens a directory to read it later.
context The DM context.
path The directory to open.
- A pointer to an internal structure, or NULL on failure.
struct dirent* dmlite_readdir (dmlite_context *context, dmlite_dir *dir)
Reads an entry from a directory.
context The DM context.
dir The pointer returned by dmlite_opendir.
- A pointer to a struct with the recovered data. NULL on failure, or end of dir. If an error occurred, dm_errno(context) will be different than 0.
- The pointer is internally allocated. Do not free it.
dmlite_xstat* dmlite_readdirx (dmlite_context *context, dmlite_dir *dir)
Reads an entry from a directory (extended data).
context The DM context.
dir The pointer returned by dmlite_opendir.
- A pointer to a struct with the recovered data. NULL on failure, or end of dir. If an error occurred, dm_errno(context) will be different than 0.
- The pointer is internally allocated. Do not free it.
int dmlite_readlink (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, char *buf, size_tbufsize)
Reads a symlink.
context The DM context.
path The symlink file.
buf Where to put the symlink target.
bufsize The size of the memory pointed by buf.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_rename (dmlite_context *context, const char *oldPath, const char *newPath)
Renames a file, directory or symlink.
context The DM context.
oldPath The old name.
newPath The new name.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_replicas_free (unsignednReplicas, dmlite_replica *fileReplicas)
Frees a replica list.
nReplicas The number of replicas contained in the array.
fileReplicas The array to free.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_rmdir (dmlite_context *context, const char *path)
Deletes a directory. It must be empty.
context The DM context.
path The directory to remove.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_rstatx (dmlite_context *context, const char *rfn, dmlite_xstat *buf)
Does an extended stat of a logical file using an associated replica filename.
context The DM context.
rfn Replica filename.
buf Where to put the retrieved information.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_setacl (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, unsignednEntries, dmlite_aclentry *acl)
Changes the ACL of a file.
context The DM context.
path The logical path.
nEntries The number of entries in the acl array.
acl An ACL array.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_setcomment (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, const char *comment)
Sets the comment associated with a file.
context The DM context.
path The logical path.
comment The comment to associate. '\0' terminated string.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_setfsize (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, uint64_tfilesize)
Changes the size of a file in the catalog.
context The DM context.
path The logical path.
filesize The new file size.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_setfsizec (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, uint64_tfilesize, const char *csumtype, const char *csumvalue)
Changes the size and checksum of a file in the catalog.
context The DM context.
path The logical path.
filesize The new file size.
csumtype The new checksum type (CS, AD or MD).
csumvalue The new checksum value.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_setguid (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, const char *guid)
Sets the file Grid Unique Identifier.
context The DM context.
path The logical path.
guid The new GUID.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_stat (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, struct stat *buf)
Does a stat of a file or directory.
context The DM context.
path The path.
buf Where to put the retrieved information.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_statl (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, struct stat *buf)
Does a stat of a file, directory, or symbolic link (does not follow).
context The DM context.
path The path.
buf Where to put the retrieved information.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_statx (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, dmlite_xstat *buf)
Does an extended stat of a file, directory or symbolic link.
context The DM context.
path The path.
buf Where to put the retrieved information.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_symlink (dmlite_context *context, const char *oldPath, const char *newPath)
Creates a symlink.
context The DM context.
oldPath The old path.
newPath The new path.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
mode_t dmlite_umask (dmlite_context *context, mode_tmask)
Sets the file mode creation mask.
context The DM context.
mask The new mask.
- The previous mask.
int dmlite_unlink (dmlite_context *context, const char *path)
Removes a file.
context The DM context.
path The logical file name.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_update_xattr (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, const dmlite_any_dict *xattr)
Updates the file extended attributes.
context The DM context.
path The logical path.
xattr The new set of extended attributes.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_updatereplica (dmlite_context *context, const dmlite_replica *replica)
Updates a replica.
context The DM context.
replica The replica to modify.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
int dmlite_utime (dmlite_context *context, const char *path, const struct utimbuf *buf)
Changes access and/or modification time.
context The DM context.
path The file path.
buf A struct holding the new times.
- 0 on success, error code otherwise.
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