operator==,!=,<,<=,>,>=(std::thread::id) (3) - Linux Manuals

operator==,!=,<,<=,>,>=(std::thread::id): operator==,!=,<,<=,>,>=(std::thread::id)


operator==,!=,<,<=,>,>=(std::thread::id) - operator==,!=,<,<=,>,>=(std::thread::id)


bool operator==( thread::id lhs, thread::id rhs ) noexcept; (1) (since C++11)
bool operator!=( thread::id lhs, thread::id rhs ) noexcept; (2) (since C++11)
bool operator<( thread::id lhs, thread::id rhs ) noexcept; (3) (since C++11)
bool operator<=( thread::id lhs, thread::id rhs ) noexcept; (4) (since C++11)
bool operator>( thread::id lhs, thread::id rhs ) noexcept; (5) (since C++11)
bool operator>=( thread::id lhs, thread::id rhs ) noexcept; (6) (since C++11)

Compares two thread identifiers.
1-2) Checks whether lhs and rhs represent either the same thread, or no thread.
3-6) Compares lhs and rhs in such a way, that lhs and rhs are totally ordered.


lhs, rhs - thread identifiers to compare

Return value

true if the corresponding relation holds, false otherwise.



See also