qbarray.h (3) - Linux Manuals
qbarray.h -
This is a dynamic array (it can grow, but without moving memory).
#include <stdint.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <qb/qbdefs.h>
typedef struct qb_array qb_array_t
This is an opaque data type representing an instance of an array.
typedef void(* qb_array_new_bin_cb_fn )(qb_array_t *a, uint32_t bin)
qb_array_t * qb_array_create (size_t max_elements, size_t element_size)
Create an array with fixed sized elements.
qb_array_t * qb_array_create_2 (size_t max_elements, size_t element_size, size_t autogrow_elements)
Create an array with fixed sized elements.
int32_t qb_array_index (qb_array_t *a, int32_t idx, void **element_out)
Get an element at a particular index.
int32_t qb_array_grow (qb_array_t *a, size_t max_elements)
Grow the array.
size_t qb_array_num_bins_get (qb_array_t *a)
Get the number of bins used or the array.
size_t qb_array_elems_per_bin_get (qb_array_t *a)
Get the number of elements per bin.
int32_t qb_array_new_bin_cb_set (qb_array_t *a, qb_array_new_bin_cb_fn fn)
Get a callback when a new bin is allocated.
void qb_array_free (qb_array_t *a)
Free all the memory used by the array.
Detailed Description
This is a dynamic array (it can grow, but without moving memory).
* arr = qb_array_create_2(64, sizeof(struct my_struct), 256); * ... * res = qb_array_index(arr, idx, (void**)&my_ptr); * if (res < 0) { * return res; * } * // use my_ptr, now even if there is a grow, this pointer will be valid. *
This is an opaque data type representing an instance of an array.
Create an array with fixed sized elements.
Create an array with fixed sized elements.
Get the number of elements per bin.
Free all the memory used by the array.
Grow the array.
Get an element at a particular index.
Get a callback when a new bin is allocated.
Get the number of bins used or the array.
Generated automatically by Doxygen for libqb from the source code.
Typedef Documentation
typedef void(* qb_array_new_bin_cb_fn)(qb_array_t *a, uint32_t bin)
typedef struct qb_array qb_array_t
Function Documentation
qb_array_t* qb_array_create (size_tmax_elements, size_telement_size)
element_size size of each element.
qb_array_t* qb_array_create_2 (size_tmax_elements, size_telement_size, size_tautogrow_elements)
element_size size of each element.
autogrow_elements the number of elements to grow automatically by.
size_t qb_array_elems_per_bin_get (qb_array_t *a)
void qb_array_free (qb_array_t *a)
int32_t qb_array_grow (qb_array_t *a, size_tmax_elements)
max_elements the new maximum size of the array.
int32_t qb_array_index (qb_array_t *a, int32_tidx, void **element_out)
idx the index
element_out the pointer to the element data.
int32_t qb_array_new_bin_cb_set (qb_array_t *a, qb_array_new_bin_cb_fnfn)
size_t qb_array_num_bins_get (qb_array_t *a)