std::experimental::filesystem::path::concat, (3) - Linux Manuals

std::experimental::filesystem::path::concat,: std::experimental::filesystem::path::concat,


std::experimental::filesystem::path::concat, - std::experimental::filesystem::path::concat,


path& operator+=( const path& );                       (1) (filesystem TS)
path& operator+=( const string_type& str );              (2) (filesystem TS)
path& operator+=( const value_type* ptr );               (3) (filesystem TS)
path& operator+=( value_type x );                        (4) (filesystem TS)
template< class Source                                 (5) (filesystem TS)
path& operator+=( const Source& source );
template< class CharT                                  (6) (filesystem TS)
path& operator+=( CharT x );
template< class Source                                 (7) (filesystem TS)
path& concat( const Source& source );
template< class InputIt                                (8) (filesystem TS)
path& concat( InputIterator first, InputIterator last );

Concatenates the current path and the argument

1) Concatenates *this and p in such a way that native() of the result is exactly
original native() concatenated with p.native()
2) Same as (1), except the resulting native() is a concatenation of the original
{native() and the string str
3) Same as (1), except the resulting native() is a concatenation of the original
native() and the null-terminated string whose first character is pointed to by ptr
4) Same as (1), except the resulting native() is a concatenation of the original
native() and the single character x
5) Same as (1), except the resulting native() is a concatenation of the original
native() and the sequence (which may be in portable or native format) represented by
source, which may be std::basic_string, null-terminated multicharacter string, or an
input iterator pointing to a null-terminated multicharacter sequence.
6) Same as (4), except that character conversion may be performed
7) Same as (5)
8) Same as (5), except that the sequence is represented by any iterator pair that
designates a multicharacter string.


           - path to append
str          - string to append
ptr          - pointer to the beginning of a null-terminated string to append
           - single character to append
         std::basic_string, null-terminated multicharacter string, or an input
source       - iterator pointing to a null-terminated multicharacter sequence, which
         represents a path name (either in portable or in native format)
first, last  - pair of LegacyInputIterators that specify a multicharacter sequence
         that represents a path name

Type requirements

InputIt must meet the requirements of LegacyInputIterator.
The value type of InputIt must be one of the encoded character types (char, wchar_t,
char16_t and char32_t)
CharT must be one of the encoded character types (char, wchar_t, char16_t and

Return value



May throw filesystem_error on underlying OS API errors or std::bad_alloc if memory
allocation fails.


Unlike with append() or operator/=, additional directory separators are never


// Run this code

 #include <iostream>
 #include <experimental/filesystem>
 namespace fs std::experimental::filesystem;
 int main() {
  fs::path p1; // empty path
  p1 += "var"; // does not insert a separator
  std::cout << "\"\" \"var\" == << p1 << '\n';
  p1 += "lib"; // does not insert a separator
  std::cout << "\"\" \"var\" \"lib\" == << p1 << '\n';


 "" "var" == "var"
 "" "var" "lib" == "varlib"

See also

append     appends elements to the path
operator/= (public member function)
operator/  concatenates two paths with a directory separator