std::experimental::filesystem::path::path (3) - Linux Manuals

std::experimental::filesystem::path::path: std::experimental::filesystem::path::path


std::experimental::filesystem::path::path - std::experimental::filesystem::path::path


path(); (1) (filesystem TS)
path( const path& p ); (2) (filesystem TS)
path( path&& p ); (3) (filesystem TS)
template< class Source > (4) (filesystem TS)
path( const Source& source );
template< class InputIt > (5) (filesystem TS)
path( InputIt first, InputIt last );
template< class Source > (6) (filesystem TS)
path( const Source& source, const std::locale& loc );
template< class InputIt > (7) (filesystem TS)
path( InputIt first, InputIt last, const std::locale& loc );

Constructs a new path object.
1) Constructs an empty path.
2) Copy constructor. Constructs a copy of p.
3) Move constructor. Constructs a copy of p, p is left in valid but unspecified state.
4-5) Constructs the path from a character sequence provided by source (4), which is a pointer or an input iterator to a null-terminated character/wide character sequence or an std::basic_string, or represented as a pair of input iterators [first, last) (5). Any of the four character types char, char16_t, char32_t, wchar_t is allowed, and the method of conversion to the native character set depends on the character type used by source

      * If the source character type is char, the encoding of the source is assumed to be the native narrow encoding (so no conversion takes place on POSIX systems)
      * If the source character type is char16_t, conversion from UTF-16 to native filesystem encoding is used.
      * If the source character type is char32_t, conversion from UTF-32 to native filesystem encoding is used.
      * If the source character type is wchar_t, the input is assumed to be the native wide encoding (so no conversion takes places on Windows)

6-7) Constructs the path from a character sequence provided by source (6), which is a pointer or an input iterator to a null-terminated character sequence or an std::string, or represented as a pair of input iterators [first, last) ((7)). The only character type allowed is char. Uses loc to perform the character encoding conversion. If value_type is wchar_t, converts from to wide using the std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, std::mbstate_t> facet of loc. Otherwise, first converts to wide using the std::codecvt<wchar_t, char, std::mbstate_t> facet and then converts to filesystem native character type using std::codecvt<wchar_t,value_type> facet of loc.


p - a path to copy
source - a std::basic_string, pointer to a null-terminated character string, or an input iterator with a character value type that points to a null-terminated character sequence (the character type must be char for overload (6)
first, last - pair of LegacyInputIterators that specify a UTF-8 encoded character sequence
loc - locale that defines encoding conversion to use

Type requirements

InputIt must meet the requirements of LegacyInputIterator.
The value type of InputIt must be one of the four character types char, wchar_t, char16_t and char32_t to use the overload (5))
The value type of InputIt must be char to use the overload (7))


1-2) (none)
noexcept specification:
4-7) (none)


For portable pathname generation from Unicode strings, see u8path.


// Run this code

  #include <iostream>
  #include <experimental/filesystem>
  namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem;
  int main()
      fs::path p1 = "/usr/lib/"; // portable format
      fs::path p2 = "C:\\users\\abcdef\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\"; // native format
      fs::path p3 = L"D:/猫.txt"; // wide string

      std::cout << "p1 = " << p1 << '\n'
                << "p2 = " << p2 << '\n'
                << "p3 = " << p3 << '\n';


  p1 = "/usr/lib/"
  p2 = "C:\users\abcdef\AppData\Local\Temp\"
  p3 = "D:/猫.txt"

See also

       creates a path from a UTF-8 encoded source
u8path (function)