std::experimental::ranges::tagged<Base,Tags...>::tagged (3) - Linux Manuals

std::experimental::ranges::tagged<Base,Tags...>::tagged: std::experimental::ranges::tagged<Base,Tags...>::tagged


std::experimental::ranges::tagged<Base,Tags...>::tagged - std::experimental::ranges::tagged<Base,Tags...>::tagged


using Base::Base; (1)
tagged() = default; (2)
tagged(tagged&& that) = default; (3)
tagged(const tagged& that) = default; (4)
tagged(Base&& that) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<Base>::value) (5)
requires MoveConstructible<Base>;
tagged(const Base& that) noexcept(std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible<Base>::value) (6)
requires CopyConstructible<Base>;
template <class Other>
requires Constructible<Base, Other> (7)
constexpr tagged(ranges::tagged<Other, Tags...> && that)
noexcept(std::is_nothrow_constructible<Base, Other>::value);
template <class Other>
requires Constructible<Base, const Other&> (8)
constexpr tagged(const ranges::tagged<Other, Tags...> &that);

Constructs a tagged object.
1) tagged<Base, Tags...> inherits the constructors of Base.
2-4) tagged has defaulted default, copy, and move constructors that invoke the corresponding constructor of Base.
5) Converting move constructor from Base. Initializes the Base subobject with std::move(that).
6) Converting copy constructor from Base. Initializes the Base subobject with that.
7) Converting move constructor from a different tagged specialization with matching tags. Initializes the Base subobject with static_cast<Other&&>(that).
8) Converting copy constructor from a different tagged specialization with matching tags. Initializes the Base subobject with static_cast<const Other&>(that).