std::set_terminate (3) - Linux Manuals

std::set_terminate: std::set_terminate


std::set_terminate - std::set_terminate


Defined in header <exception>
std::terminate_handler set_terminate( std::terminate_handler f ) throw(); (until C++11)
std::terminate_handler set_terminate( std::terminate_handler f ) noexcept; (since C++11)

Makes f the new global terminate handler function and returns the previously installed std::terminate_handler.

This function is thread-safe. Every call to std::set_terminate synchronizes-with (see std::memory_order) the subsequent std::set_terminate and std::get_terminate (since C++11)


f - pointer to function of type std::terminate_handler, or null pointer

Return value

The previously-installed terminate handler, or a null pointer value if none was installed.


// Run this code

  #include <iostream>
  #include <cstdlib>
  #include <exception>

  int main()
      std::set_terminate([](){ std::cout << "Unhandled exception\n"; std::abort();});
      throw 1;

Possible output:

  Unhandled exception
  bash: line 7: 7743 Aborted (core dumped) ./a.out

See also

                  function called when exception handling fails
terminate (function)

get_terminate obtains the current terminate_handler
                  the type of the function called by std::terminate
terminate_handler (typedef)