std::wcsncpy (3) - Linux Manuals

std::wcsncpy: std::wcsncpy


std::wcsncpy - std::wcsncpy


Defined in header <cwchar>
wchar_t *wcsncpy( wchar_t *dest, const wchar_t *src, std::size_t count );

Copies at most count characters of the wide string pointed to by src (including the terminating null wide character) to wide character array pointed to by dest.
If count is reached before the entire string src was copied, the resulting wide character array is not null-terminated.
If, after copying the terminating null wide character from src, count is not reached, additional null wide characters are written to dest until the total of count characters have been written.
If the strings overlap, the behavior is undefined.


dest - pointer to the wide character array to copy to
src - pointer to the wide string to copy from
count - maximum number of wide characters to copy

Return value



In typical usage, count is the size of the destination array.


// Run this code

  #include <iostream>
  #include <cwchar>

  int main()
      wchar_t src[] = L"hi";
      wchar_t dest[6] = {L'a', L'b', L'c', L'd', L'e', L'f'};

      std::wcsncpy(dest, src, 5); // this will copy hi and repeat \0 three times

      std::wcout << "The contents of dest are: ";
      for(wchar_t c : dest) {
              std::wcout << c << ' ';
              std::wcout << "\\0" << ' ';
      std::wcout << '\n';


  The contents of dest are: h i \0 \0 \0 f

See also

        copies one wide string to another
wcscpy (function)
        copies a certain amount of wide characters between two non-overlapping arrays
wmemcpy (function)
        copies a certain amount of characters from one string to another
strncpy (function)