std::wctrans (3) - Linux Manuals

std::wctrans: std::wctrans


std::wctrans - std::wctrans


Defined in header <cwctype>
std::wctrans_t wctrans( const char* str );

Constructs a value of type std::wctrans_t that describes a LC_CTYPE category of wide character mapping. It may be one of the standard mappings, or a locale-specific mapping, such as "tojhira" or "tojkana".


      C string holding the name of the desired mapping.
      The following values of str are supported in all C locales:

str - Value of str Effect
      "toupper" identifies the mapping used by towupper
      "tolower" identifies the mapping used by towlower

Return value

std::wctrans_t object suitable for use with std::towctrans to map wide characters according to the named mapping of the current C locale or zero if str does not name a mapping supported by the current C locale.

See also

          performs character mapping according to the specified LC_CTYPE mapping category
towctrans (function)