unicode_tc (3) - Linux Manuals

unicode_tc: unicode uppercase, lowercase, and titlecase character lookup


unicode_uc, unicode_lc, unicode_tc, unicode_convert_tocase - unicode uppercase, lowercase, and titlecase character lookup


#include <courier-unicode.h>
unicode_char unicode_uc(unicode_char c);
unicode_char unicode_lc(unicode_char c);
unicode_char unicode_tc(unicode_char c);
char *unicode_convert_tocase(const char *str, const char *charset, unicode_char (*first_char_func)(uncode_char), unicode_char (*char_func)(uncode_char));


unicode_uc(), unicode_lc(), unicode_tc() return the uppercase, lowercase, or the titlecase equivalent of the unicode character c. If this character does not have an uppercase, lowercase, or a titlecase equivalent, these functions return c, the same character.

unicode_convert_tocase() takes the string str

in the character set charset. first_char_func and char_func, each, should be unicode_uc, unicode_lc, or unicode_tc. unicode_convert_tocase() returns a malloc()ed buffer. The first unicode character in str gets processed by first_char_func, and all other characters by char_func.


Sam Varshavchik
