dbmon.sh (8) - Linux Manuals
dbmon.sh - Directory Server script for monitoring database and entry cache usageSYNOPSIS
[INCR=num] [HOST=hostname] [PORT=num] [BINDDN=binddn] [BINDPW=password] [DBLIST=databases] [INDEXLIST=indexes] [VERBOSE=num] dbmon.shDESCRIPTION
dbmon.sh is a tool used to monitor database and entry cache usage. It is especially useful for database cache and entry/dn cache tuning - how much space is left, is the cache full, how much space on average do I need per entry/dn.OPTIONS
It doesn't take any command line arguments, so all options must be passed in as environment variables.dbmon.sh will loop repeatedly showing the db information until it is killed or Ctrl-C
All arguments are optional, but you will most likely have to provide BINDPW
- INCR - show results every INCR seconds - default is 1 second
- HOST - name of host or IP address - default is localhost
- PORT - port number (LDAP not LDAPS) - default is 389
- BINDDN - DN to use to bind - must have permission to read everything under cn=config - default is cn=Directory Manager
- BINDPW - password for BINDDN - default is secret
- DBLIST - a list of databases you want to check - default is all; for more than one, delimit with spaces e.g. DBLIST=one two three
- INDEXLIST - a list of indexes to show for each named database - default is none; specify all for all indexes, or named e.g. INDEXLIST=id2entry entryrdn
- VERBOSE - output level - 0 == suitable for parsing by a script - 1 == has column headings - 2 == provides detailed descriptions of the data - default is 0
INCR=1 HOST=ldap.example.com BINDDN="cn=directory manager" BINDPW="secret" VERBOSE=2 dbmon.shAUTHOR
dbmon.sh was written by the 389 Project.REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to https://fedorahosted.org/389/newticket.COPYRIGHT
Copyright © 2014 Red Hat, Inc.