opaledports (8) - Linux Manuals



Toggles the beaconing LED state of HFIs, switches, and switch ports. opaledports is a useful aid for finding specific physical nodes in a crowded data center. It supports the CSV link format provided by opaextractsellinks.


opaledports [-h hfi] [-p port] [-C] [-s|-d] [on|off] #8217lt; portlist.csv


Produces full help text.

-h hfi
HFI to send through/to. Default is first HFI.

-p port
Port to send through/to. Default is first active port.

Clears beaconing LED on all ports.

NOTE: If -C is entered, no other options are valid.

Affects source side (first node) of link only.

Affects destination side (second node) of link only.

Action to perform. Options include:

on Turns on beaconing LED.

off Turns off beaconing LED.

File listing the links to process. The list is of the form:

NodeGUID;PortNum;NodeType;NodeDesc;NodeGUID;PortNum;NodeType; NodeDesc;Dontcare


echo "0x001175010165ac1d;1;FI;phkpstl035 hfi1_0"|opaledports on
opaledports on #8217lt; portlist.csv
opaextractsellinks -F led:on | opaledports off
opaledports -C