opapaquery (8) - Linux Manuals



(All) Performs various queries of the performance management (PM)/performance administration (PA) agent and provides details about fabric performance. Refer to the Intel(R) Omni-Path Fabric Suite Fabric Manager User Guide

for a description of the operation and client services of the PM/PA.

By default, opapaquery queries the most recent data. However, if an image number ( imgNum) and/or image offset ( imgOff) is provided, the query returns previous sweep data. Queries that access previous sweep data return with the absolute image number representing that data, and therefore have an image offset of zero.

opapaquery #8217#8217;s operation is dependent on an Intel(R) Omni-Path Fabric Suite Fabric Manager version 6.0 or greater running as master SM/PM in the fabric.

By default, opapaquery uses the first active port on the local system. However, if the Fabric Management Node is connected to more than one fabric (for example, a subnet), the HFI and port may be specified to select the fabric whose PA is to be queried.


opapaquery [-v] [-h hfi] [-p port] -o type[-g groupName] [-l nodeLid]
[-P portNumber] [-d delta] [-s select] [-f focus] [-S start]
[-r range] [-n imgNum] [-O imgOff] [-m moveImgNum] [-M moveImgOff]
[-V vfName]


Verbose output.

-h/--hfi hfi
HFI, numbered 1..n. Using 0 specifies that the -p port port is a system-wide port number. (Default is 0.)

-p/--port port
Port, numbered 1..n. If -h hfi is 0, then port is a system-wide port number. (Default is 1.)

-o/--output type
Output type, default is groupList. See Output Types

-g/--groupName groupName
Group name for groupInfo query.

-l/--lid lid
LID of node for portCounters query.

-P/--portNumber portNumber
Port number for portCounters query.

-d/--delta delta
Delta flag for portCounters query - 0 or 1.

-s/--select select
32-bit select flag for clearing port counters.

Select bits for clrPortCounters. 0 is least significant (rightmost).
clrPortCounters bit descriptions listed in the order "mask - bit - location":

0x80000000 - 31 - Transmit Data

0x40000000 - 30 - Receive Data

0x20000000 - 29 - Transmit Packets

0x10000000 - 28 - Receive Packets

0x08000000 - 27 - Multicast Transmit Packets

0x04000000 - 26 - Multicast Receive Packets

0x02000000 - 25 - Transmit Wait

0x01000000 - 24 - Congestion Discards

0x00800000 - 23 - Receive FECN

0x00400000 - 22 - Receive BECN

0x00200000 - 21 - Transmit Time Cong.

0x00100000 - 20 - Transmit Time Wasted BW

0x00080000 - 19 - Transmit Time Wait Data

0x00040000 - 18 - Receive Bubble

0x00020000 - 17 - Mark FECN

0x00010000 - 16 - Receive Constraint Errors

0x00008000 - 15 - Receive Switch Relay

0x00004000 - 14 - Transmit Discards

0x00002000 - 13 - Transmit Constraint Errors

0x00001000 - 12 - Receive Remote Physical Errors

0x00000800 - 11 - Local Link Integrity

0x00000400 - 10 - Receive Errors

0x00000200 - 9 - Exc. Buffer Overrun

0x00000100 - 8 - FM Configuration Errors

0x00000080 - 7 - Link Error Recovery

0x00000040 - 6 - Link Error Downed

0x00000020 - 5 - Uncorrectable Errors

Select bits for clrVfPortCounters. 0 is least significant (rightmost).
clrVfPortCounters bit descriptions listed in the order "mask - bit - location":

0x80000000 - 31 - VLXmitData

0x40000000 - 30 - VLRcvData

0x20000000 - 29 - VLXmitPkts

0x10000000 - 28 - VLRcvPkts

0x08000000 - 27 - VLXmitDiscards

0x04000000 - 26 - VLCongDiscards

0x02000000 - 25 - VLXmitWait

0x01000000 - 24 - VLRcvFECN

0x00800000 - 23 - VLRcvBECN

0x00400000 - 22 - VLXmitTimeCong

0x00200000 - 21 - VLXmitWastedBW

0x00100000 - 20 - VLXmitWaitData

0x00080000 - 19 - VLRcvBubble

0x00040000 - 18 - VLMarkFECN

Bits 17-0 reserved

-f/--focus focus
Focus select value for getting focus ports.

 focus select values:

utilhigh Sorted by utilization - highest first.

pktrate Sorted by packet rate - highest first.

utillow Sorted by utilization - lowest first.

integrity Sorted by integrity errors - highest first.

congestion Sorted by congestion errors - highest first.

smacongestion Sorted by SMA congestion errors - highest first.

bubbles Sorted by bubble errors - highest first.

security Sorted by security errors - highest first.

routing Sorted by routing errors - highest first.

-S/--start start
Start of window for focus ports, should always be 0.

-r/--range range
Size of window for focus ports list.

-n/--imgNum imgNum
64-bit image number. Can be used with groupInfo, groupConfig, portCounters (delta).

-O/--imgOff imgOff
Image offset. Can be used with groupInfo, groupConfig, portCounters (delta).

-m/--moveImgNum moveImgNum
64-bit image number. Used with moveFreeze to move a freeze image.

-M/--moveImgOff moveImgOff
Image offset. Can be used with moveFreeze to move a freeze image.

-V/--vfName vfName
VF name for vfInfo query.

-h and -p options permit a variety of selections:

-h 0
First active port in system (default).

-h 0 -p 0
First active port in system.

-h x
First active port on HFI x.

-h x#8217#160;-p 0
First active port on HFI x.

-h 0 -p y
Port y#8217#160;within system (no matter which ports are active).

-h x#8217#160;-p y
HFI x, port y.

Output Types

Class port info.

List of PA groups.

Summary statistics of a PA group. Requires -g option for groupName.

Configuration of a PA group. Requires -g option for groupName.

Port counters of fabric port. Requires -l lid and -P port options, -d delta is optional.

Clears port counters of fabric port. Requires -l lid and -P#8217#160; port, and -s select options.

Clears all port counters in fabric.

Retrieves PM configuration information.

Creates freeze frame for image ID. Requires -n imgNum.

Releases freeze frame for image ID. Requires -n imgNum.

Renews lease for freeze frame for image ID. Requires -n imgNum.

Moves freeze frame from image ID to new image ID. Requires -n#8217#160; imgNum and -m moveImgNum.

Gets sorted list of ports using utilization or error values (from group buckets). Requires -g groupname, -f focus, -S start, -r range.

Gets configuration of a PA image (timestamps, etc.). Requires -n#8217#160; imgNum.

List of virtual fabrics.

Summary statistics of a virtual fabric. Requires -V option for vfName.

Configuration of a virtual fabric. Requires -V option for vfName.

Port counters of fabric port. Requires -V vfName, -l lid and -P port options, -d delta is optional.

Gets sorted list of virtual fabric ports using utilization or error values (from VF buckets). Requires -V vfname, -f focus, -S start, -r range.

Clears VF port counters of fabric port. Requires -l lid, -P port, -s select, and -V vfname options.


opapaquery -o classPortInfo
opapaquery -o groupList
opapaquery -o groupInfo -g All
opapaquery -o groupConfig -g All
opapaquery -o portCounters -l 1 -P 1 -d 1
opapaquery -o portCounters -l 1 -P 1 -d 1 -n 0x20000000d02 -O 1
opapaquery -o clrPortCounters -l 1 -P 1 -s 0xC0000000
#8217#160; #clears XmitData & RcvData
opapaquery -o clrAllPortCounters -s 0xC0000000
#8217#160; #clears XmitData & RcvData on all ports
opapaquery -o PMConfig
opapaquery -o freezeImage -n 0x20000000d02
opapaquery -o releaseImage -n 0xd01
opapaquery -o renewImage -n 0xd01
opapaquery -o moveFreeze -n 0xd01 -m 0x20000000d02 -M -2
opapaquery -o focusPorts -g All -f 0x00030001 -S 0 -r 20
opapaquery -o imageInfo -n 0x20000000d02
opapaquery -o vfList
opapaquery -o vfInfo -V Default
opapaquery -o vfConfig -V Default
opapaquery -o vfPortCounters -l 1 -P 1 -d 1 -V Default
opapaquery -o clrVfPortCounters -l 1 -P 1 -s 0xC0000000
#8217#160; #clears VLXmitData & VLRcvData
opapaquery -o vfFocusPorts -V Default -f 0x00030001 -S 0 -r 20