cargo-rustc (1) - Linux Manuals

cargo-rustc: Compile a package and all of its dependencies


cargo-rustc - Compile a package and all of its dependencies


cargo rustc [OPTIONS] [--] [<OPTS>...]


The specified target for the current package (or package specified by SPEC if provided) will be compiled along with all of its dependencies. The specified ... will all be passed to the final compiler invocation, not any of the dependencies. Note that the compiler will still unconditionally receive arguments such as -L, --extern, and --crate-type, and the specified ... will simply be added to the compiler invocation.

This command requires that only one target is being compiled. If more than one target is available for the current package the filters of --lib, --bin, etc, must be used to select which target is compiled. To pass flags to all compiler processes spawned by Cargo, use the $RUSTFLAGS environment variable or the build.rustflags configuration option.


-h, --help
Print this message.
-p SPEC, --package SPEC
The profile to compiler for.
-j N, --jobs N
Number of parallel jobs, defaults to # of CPUs.
Build only this package's library.
--bin NAME
Build only the specified binary.
--example NAME
Build only the specified example.
--test NAME
Build only the specified test target.
--bench NAME
Build only the specified benchmark target.
Build artifacts in release mode, with optimizations.
--profile PROFILE
Profile to build the selected target for.
--features FEATURES
The version to yank or un-yank.
Build all available features.
Do not compile default features for the package.
--target TRIPLE
Target triple which compiles will be for.
--manifest-path PATH
Path to the manifest to fetch dependencies for.
-v, --verbose
Use verbose output.
-q, --quiet
No output printed to stdout.
--color WHEN
Coloring: auto, always, never.


This work is dual-licensed under Apache 2.0 and MIT terms. See COPYRIGHT file in the cargo source distribution.


cargo(1), cargo-run(1)