fts-transfer-submit (1) - Linux Manuals




fts-transfer-submit [options] SOURCE DEST [CHECKSUM]


fts-transfer-submit is a tool for submitting transfer-jobs using the GRID File Transfer Service 3. The user has to specify the source and destination, optionally the checksum may be specified (Algorithm:Value)


  -h --help         Print this help text and exit.
  -q --quite        Quiet operation.
  -v --verbose      Be more verbose.
  -s --service arg  Use the transfer service at the specified URL.
  -V --version      Print the version number and exit.
  -j --json         The output should be printed in JSON format

  --source arg                             Specify source site name.
  --destination arg                        Specify destination site name.
  --rest                                   Use the RESTful interface.
  --capath arg                             Path to the GRID security 
                                     certificates (e.g. 
  --proxy arg                              Path to the proxy certificate (e.g. 
  -I --id arg                          Delegation with ID as the delegation
  -e --expire arg                      Expiration time of the delegation in
  -b --blocking                        Blocking mode, wait until the 
                                     operation completes.
  -f --file arg                        Name of a the bulk submission file.
  -g --gparam arg                      Gridftp parameters.
  -i --interval arg                    Interval between two poll operations
                                     in blocking mode.
  -o --overwrite                       Overwrite files.
  -t --dest-token arg                  The destination space token or its 
                                     description (for SRM 2.2 transfers).
  -S --source-token arg                The source space token or its 
                                     description (for SRM 2.2 transfers).
  -K --compare-checksum                Compare checksums between source and
  --copy-pin-lifetime [=arg(=28800)] (=-1) Pin lifetime of the copy of the file
                                     (seconds), if the argument is not 
                                     specified a default value of 28800 
                                     seconds (8 hours) is used.
  --bring-online [=arg(=28800)] (=-1)      Bring online timeout expressed in 
                                     seconds, if the argument is not 
                                     specified a default value of 28800 
                                     seconds (8 hours) is used.
  -r --reuse                           enable session reuse for the 
                                     transfer job
  -m --multi-hop                       enable multi-hopping
  --job-metadata arg                       transfer-job metadata
  --file-metadata arg                      file metadata
  --file-size arg                          file size (in Bytes)
  --json-submission                        The bulk submission file will be 
                                     expected in JSON format
  --retry arg                              Number of retries. If 0, the server 
                                     default will be used. If negative, 
                                     there will be no retries.
  --retry-delay arg (=0)                   Retry delay in seconds
  --nostreams arg                          number of streams that will be used 
                                     for the given transfer-job
  --timeout arg                            timeout (expressed in seconds) that 
                                     will be used for the given job
  --buff-size arg                          buffer size (expressed in bytes) 
                                     that will be used for the given 