glutTimerFunc (3) - Linux Manuals

glutTimerFunc: Sets the Timer callback for the current window.


glutTimerFunc - Sets the Timer callback for the current window.


OpenGLUT - idletimer


In openglut.h Ft void Fn glutTimerFunc unsigned int msec void( *callback )( int data ) int data


Bf Em
 msec Ef
        Milliseconds till invocation.

Bf Em
 callback Ef
    Client function for timer event.

Bf Em
 data Ef
        Arbitrary data; passed to  Bf Sy
 callback Ef


After Bf Em
 at least Ef
   Bf Sy
 msec Ef
 milliseconds, OpenGLUT will call Bf Sy
 callback Ef
 , passing in your user-supplied Bf Sy
 data Ef
 parameter.  OpenGLUT will call your function only once.

This callback is Bf Em
 not Ef
  bound to any window.


Unlike most other callbacks, timers only occur once.

Unlike most other callbacks, you cannot deregister a timer callback.

Unlike most other callbacks, you can register an arbitrary number of timers.