ncl_fitgrid (3) - Linux Manuals


Fitgrid is a package for interpolating one dimensional and two dimensional data. The package has the following functionality:

1.) Interpolating single-valued functions in one dimension.
2.) Interpolating parametric curves in the plane.
3.) Computing an interpolatory surface through a rectangular grid of functional values.
4.) Interpolating periodic functions in one dimension.
5.) Finding integrals and derivatives of interpolated functions.


FORTRAN single precision

 CURV1    does set-up for CURV2. 

 CURV2    1D interpolation for non-periodic functions.

 CURVD    derivatives for 1D functions.

 CURVI    integrals for 1D functions.

 CURVP1   does set-up for CURVP2 .

 CURVP2   1D interpolation for periodic functions.

 CURVPI   integrals for periodic functions.

 CURVS    does smoothing and set-up for CURV2.

 CURVPS   does smoothing for periodic functions.

 KURV1    does set-up for KURV2.

 KURV2    interpolation for parametric curves.

 KURVD    derivatives for parametric curves.

 KURVP1   set-up for KURVP2.

 KURVP2   interpolation for closed parametric curves.

 KURVPD   derivatives for closed parametric curves.

 SURF1    set-up for SURF2.

 SURF2    2D interpolation for gridded data.

C single precision:

 c_ftcurv     1D interpolation for non-periodic functions.

 c_ftcurvd    derivatives for 1D functions.

 c_ftcurvi    integrals for 1D functions.

 c_ftcurvp    1D interpolation for periodic functions.

 c_ftcurvpi   integrals for periodic functions.

 c_ftcurvs    does smoothing for non-periodic functions.

 c_ftcurvps   does smoothing for periodic functions.

 c_ftkurv     interpolation for parametric curves.

 c_ftkurvp    interpolation for closed parametric curves.

 c_ftkurvd    derivatives for parametric curves.

 c_ftkurvpd   interpolation for closed parametric curves.

 c_ftsurf     2D interpolation for rectangular data.

 c_ftseti     set values for int parameters.

 c_ftgeti     get values for int parameters.

 c_ftsetr     set values for float parameters.

 c_ftgetr     get values for float parameters.

 c_ftsetc     set values for string parameters.

 c_ftgetc     get values for string parameters.

 c_ftsetfa    set values for float arrays.

 c_ftgetfa_size   get array size of float array.

 c_ftgetfa_data   get float array data.


To use fitgrid entries, load the NCAR Graphics library ngmath.


Copyright (C) 2000
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.


Individual entries, fitgrid_params

Complete documentation for fitgrid is available at URL