mounted (8) - Linux Manuals

mounted: Detects all OCFS2 volumes on a system.


mounted.ocfs2 - Detects all OCFS2 volumes on a system.


mounted.ocfs2 [-d] [-f] [device]


mounted.ocfs2 is used to detect OCFS2 volume(s) on a system. This tool assumes that the nodes detected on the system are part of the same cluster as the one specified in /etc/ocfs2/cluster.conf.


Lists the OCFS2 volumes along with their labels and uuids. If a device is not specified, it scans all the devices in /proc/partitions.

Lists the OCFS2 volumes along with the list of nodes that have mounted the volume. The node names are listed if the O2CB cluster is online. Note: As this information is gathered using dirty-read, the information may be stale.


[root [at] node1 ~]# mounted.ocfs2 -d
Device FS UUID Label
/dev/sdb1 ocfs2 26d5dcdf-6d87-45a7-b01a-b98a7791bd61 logs_0405

[root [at] node1 ~]# mounted.ocfs2 -f
Device FS Nodes
/dev/sdb1 ocfs2 node15, node1


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