(8) - Linux Manuals Registers Directory Server instances with an Admin Server

NAME - Registers Directory Server instances with an Admin Server

SYNOPSIS [--options] -- [args]


Registers existing Directory Server instances with an existing Admin Server. This command does the set up necessary for the use of the Console to manage the Directory Server instances you are registering. You can register local Directory Server instances with a local Configuration Directory Server/Admin Server. You can also create an Admin Server and register standalone instances with it. You can register remote Directory Server instances to the local Admin Server, as well as register local Directory Server instances with a remote Admin Server - this allows a single Console/Admin Server to manage all the Directory Servers in your network.

Use this command with the --update option after an upgrade to refresh
 the server information (version, build number, etc.) in the Console.

Can be run in interactive mode with different levels of verbosity, or in silent mode with parameters supplied in a .inf format file or on the command line.


A summary of options is included below:
This message
Print the version and exit
Turn on debugging
Use silent setup - no user input
Use the file 'name' in .inf format to supply the default answers
Do not delete the temporary .inf file generated by this program
Log setup messages to this file - otherwise, a temp file will be used
Update an existing installation (e.g. after upgrading packages)
(update only) keep going despite errors (also --force)

For all options, you can also use the short name e.g. -h, -d, etc. For the -d argument, specifying it more than once will increase the debug level e.g. -ddddd

args: You can supply default .inf data in this format:





Values passed in this manner will override values in an .inf file given with the -f argument.

Silent Mode (.inf file)

The .inf file use three directives depending on what you want to do: [General], [admin], and [register]. The [admin] section is only needed if an Admin Server needs to be installed on the local system.

Here is an example of creating an Admin Server, and turning a standalone Directory Server instance into a configuration instance. In this case we need the [General], [admin], and [register] directives

FullMachineName= localhost.localdomain
SuiteSpotUserID= dirsrv
SuiteSpotGroup= dirsrv
ConfigDirectoryAdminID= admin
ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd= admin
ConfigDirectoryLdapURL= ldap://localhost.localdomain:389/o=NetscapeRoot

Port= 9830
ServerAdminID= admin
ServerAdminPwd= password

configinst= slapd-localhost::cn=directory manager::password

Here is an example of an .inf file that registers two local Directory Server instances (slapi-replica, slapd-instance2) with the local Configuration Directory Server (slapd-localhost).

FullMachineName= localhost.localdomain
SuiteSpotUserID= dirsrv
SuiteSpotGroup= dirsrv
ConfigDirectoryAdminID= admin
ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd= admin
ConfigDirectoryLdapURL= ldap://localhost.localdomain:389/o=NetscapeRoot

configinst= slapd-localhost::cn=directory manager::password
localinst= slapd-instance2::cn=directory manager::password
localinst= slapd-replica::cn=directory manager::password

This example will add the slapd-replica instance to the local configuration server. Then this server's configuration to added to the remote configuration server on

FullMachineName= localhost.localdomain
SuiteSpotUserID= dirsrv
SuiteSpotGroup= dirsrv
ConfigDirectoryAdminID= admin
ConfigDirectoryAdminPwd= admin
ConfigDirectoryLdapURL= ldap://localhost.localdomain:389/o=NetscapeRoot

configinst= slapd-localhost::cn=directory manager::password
localinst= slapd-replica::cn=directory manager::password
localcertdir= /etc/dirsrv/slapd-localhost
remoteport= 636
remotebinddn= cn=directory manager
remotebindpw= password
admindn= uid=admin,ou=Administrators,ou=TopologyManagement,o=NetscapeRoot
adminpw= password
destination= remote

The [register] directive parameter descriptions:


INSTANCE = The server where the existing configuration exists, or the server where you want to add the configuration to. The value takes the form of slapd-INSTANCE.
BIND_DN = The root DN, usually ``cn=directory manager'', for the local configuration server.
PASSWORD = the root DN password.

The parameters are the same as 'configinst'. This argument is required for local registerations.
remotehost = The FQDN of the remote server. This is either the rmeote server we
registering with, or the remote server that is being registered with the local configuration server.
remoteport = The port of the remote server.
localcertdir = The directory of the certificate database files (e.g. cert8.db, key3.db). This optional parameter is only used if connecting to the remote server over SSL.
remotebinddn = The bind DN, preferrably the root DN, to connect to the remote server.
remotebinddn = The password for the remotebinddn entry.
admindomain = This is the Admin Domain for the server that is being registered. If registering the local server to the remote server, it would be the domain from the local server. If registering a remote server to the local configuration server, it would be the Admin Domain from the remote server.
admindn = The local administrator DN for o=netscaperoot
adminpw = The local administrator password.
destination = local, or remote

local = Registers the remote server with the local configuration server.
remote = Registers the local server with the remote configuration server.

AUTHOR was written by the 389 Project.


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Copyright © 2010 Red Hat, Inc.
This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of the Directory Server license found in the LICENSE file of this software distribution. This license is essentially the GNU General Public License version 2 with an exception for plug-in distribution.