Test::Lintian::Helper (3) - Linux Manuals
Test::Lintian::Helper: Helper functions for various testing parts
Test::Lintian::Helper -- Helper functions for various testing parts
use Test::Lintian::Helper qw(get_latest_policy); my $policy_version = get_latest_policy();
Helper functions for preparing and running Lintian tests.FUNCTIONS
- cache_dpkg_architecture_values()
- Ensures that the output from dpkg-architecture has been cached.
- get_latest_policy()
- Returns a list with two elements. The first is the most recent version of the Debian policy. The second is its effective date.
- get_recommended_debhelper_version()
- Returns the version of debhelper recommended in 'debhelper/compat-level' via Lintian::Data, relative to the established LINTIAN_ROOT.
- get_required_debhelper_version()
- Returns the version of debhelper required in the file 'debian/control' relative to the established LINTIAN_ROOT. The return value is the exact string, which can include characters like a tilde.
- copy_dir_contents(SRC_DIR, TARGET_DIR)
- Populates TARGET_DIR with files/dirs from SRC_DIR, preserving all attributes but dereferencing links. For an empty directory, no dummy file is required.
- rfc822date(EPOCH)
Returns a string with the date and time described by EPOCH, formatted
according to RFC822.