hhvm (1) - Linux Manuals

hhvm: Execute PHP and Hack files


hhvm - Execute PHP and Hack files


hhvm [OPTIONS] [-f] file [[--]args...]
hhvm --php [PHP-OPTIONS] [-f] file [[--]args...]


hhvm(1) (aka the HipHop Virtual Machine) is an open-source virtual machine designed for executing programs written in Hack and PHP. HHVM uses a just-in-time compilation approach to run programs. HHVM should be used standalone for command line (CLI) scripts or together with a FastCGI-based web server like nginx or apache to serve websites.

This is the command line interface to HHVM.

The simplest way to parse and execute a program is providing a single parameter of a filename. Specifying -f before the filename does this in a more explicit fashion, and allows other OPTIONS to follow.

HHVM has its own set of OPTIONS , but also has the ability to behave like PHP 5.x as well. When the --php flag is specified to hhvm(1) (or the binary is named php ), options available to PHP 5.x can be used.

You may use:

sudo /usr/bin/update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/php php /usr/bin/hhvm 60

to force hhvm(1) to be used even if PHP 5.x is installed on the system.


These are the default configuration files for HHVM. Right now both .ini and .hdf are supported as HHVM continues to migrate completely to .ini


The default ini settings for hhvm(1) are found in /etc/hhvm/php.ini


The default hdf options for hhvm(1) are found in /etc/hhvm/config.hdf


These are the options you can specify to the hhvm(1) executable.

-a, --interactive
Shortcut for the --mode debug command line option.

--admin-port PORT
Start admin listener at a specified port. The default value for PORT is -1.

--arg ARG
Other arguments.

--build-id ID
Unique identifier to compiled server code.

-c , --config FILE
Load specified config (.hdf or .ini) FILE. Use multiple -c to specify multiple config files.

Display the git hash for the compiler.

--count NUM
How many times to repeat execution. The default value for NUM is 1.

-d , --define SETTING
Define an ini setting in the same format ( foo[=bar] ) as provided in a .ini file.

--debug-cmd ARG
In --mode debug , this executes the debugger command specified by ARG and returns its output in stdout. Multiple --debug-cmd can be specified to execute more than one command.

--debug-config FILE
In --mode debug , load the specified debugger configuration FILE.

--debug-extension ARG
In --mode debug , ARG specifies which debugger extension PHP file to load.

--debug-port PORT
In --mode debug , connect to the debugger server at specified PORT.

--debug-sandbox ARG
In --mode debug , initial sandbox to attach to when the debugger is started. The default for ARG is "default".

--extra-header ARG
An extra-header to add to the front of each line of logging.

-f , --file FILE
In --mode run , execute the specified FILE .

-h , --debug-host ADDRESS
In --mode debug , connect to debugger server at specified address. The default for ADDRESS is localhost.

Display the list of command line options with short descriptions.

--instance-id ID
Unique identifier of server instance.

-l , --lint FILE
Run lint on the specified FILE.

-m , --mode MODE
MODE can be any of the following values:
run (default): directly executes the program from the command line.
debug (d): starts the debugger.
server (s): starts an HTTP server from command line.
daemon: starts an HTTP server and runs it as a daemon.
replay: replays a previously recorded HTTP request file.
translate (t): translates a hex-encoded stacktrace.

Do not use the default php.ini

--no-safe-access-check BOOL
Whether to allow any file or directory access without security checking. The default value is 0 (or false).

-p , --port PORT
Start an HTTP server at the specified port. The default PORT is -1.

Emulate the standard php(1) command line. You can specify the options allowed in PHP 5.x.

--port-fd FD
Use the specified FD for HTTP instead of creating a socket. The default value is -1.

--ssl-port-fd FD
Use the specified FD for SSL instead of creating a socket. The default value is -1.

Display the repository schema id.

--temp-file FILE
FILE specified is temporary and removed after execution.

-u , --user USER
Run server under the specified USER account.

-v , --config-value SETTING
Individual configuration string in HDF format (name=value), where name can be any valid configuration for a config file. e.g., Section.Name=Value.

Display the hhvm(1) version number.

-w , --show FILE
Directly output the specified FILE and do nothing else.

--xhprof-flags FLAGS
Set the XHProf run flags.


These are the options you can specify to the hhvm(1) executable when explicitly specifying the --php flag, or when the binary is named php . All PHP 5.x options are not supported at this point in time; we are planning to continue to add more option support.

-a, --interactive
Similar to the same option when not specifying --php . Run HHVM interactively. This lets you enter snippets of PHP code that directly get executed.

Use the specified FILE for configuration options. The file should be .ini format.

Define INI entry specified by SETTING of the form foo=[bar] .

Do not use any configuration (e.g., .ini) file when executing.

Run HHVM code without using script tags, directly on the command line.

Output the current HHVM build version number.

Output source with stripped comments and whitespace.

Load a dynamic extension file.


hhvm foo.php
Execute a PHP file.

hhvm -c custom.ini foo.php
Execute a PHP file given a certain configuration.

hhvm --php -r 'echo "Hello Everyone!";'
Execute code from the command line using the --php option and -r.

hhvm -m server --port 9090
Execute HHVM in server mode using a specified port.


The list of current known HHVM issues are found at: https://github.com/facebook/hhvm/issues


The contributors to HHVM can be found here: https://github.com/facebook/hhvm/graphs/contributors


This manpage describes hhvm(1) , version 3.0 and greater


HHVM is licensed under the PHP and Zend licenses except as otherwise noted. The full license can be found at: https://github.com/facebook/hhvm