krazy2all (1) - Linux Manuals

krazy2all: Sanity checks KDE source code.


krazy2all - Sanity checks KDE source code.


krazy2all [options]


krazy2all finds all supported files within the current directory tree and runs the krazy2 checker on all of them, producing 1 concise report in the specified export format.


Print help message and exit.
Print version information and exit.
Print a list of all available checker programs and exit.
Print a list of the support file types and exit.
Ignore .krazy files.
--config <krazyrc>
Read settings from the specified krazyrc configuration file only. All other configuration files will be ignored, including those found in the user's home directory or in the current working directory.
With this option the checker programs aren't run; instead, the command line for each check that would be run is printed.
--priority <low|normal|high|important|all>
Tell each checker program to report issues with the specified priority only. This option is useful to help put issues into ``fix-first'' order.

Supported priorites are:
  low -> print low priority issues only
  normal -> print normal priority issues only
  high -> print high priority issues only
  important -> print issues with normal or high priority
  all -> print all issues (default)

--strict <normal|super|all>
Tell each checker program to report issues match the strictness level only. Use this option to help filter out issues of less importance.

Support strictness levels are:
  normal -> print non-super strict issues only
  super -> print super strict issues only
  all -> print all issues (default)

--check <prog[,prog1,prog2,...,progN]>
Run the specified checker program(s) only. You may not combine this option with --check-sets.

Use the --list option to show the list of available checkers.

--check-sets <set[,set1,set2,...,setN]>
Run the checker programs belonging to the specified set(s) only. You may not combine this option with --check.

Use the --list-sets option to see the list of available check sets and programs.

--exclude <prog[,prog1,prog2,...,progN]>
Do NOT run the specified checker program(s).
--extra <prog[,prog1,prog2,...,progN]>
Add the specified ``extra'' program(s) to the list of checkers to run. Use the --list option to show the list of available ``extra'' checkers; they will be marked with the tag [EXTRA] by the checker description line.
--types <type[,type1,type2,...,typeN]>
Check the specified file type(s) only.
--exclude-types <type[,type1,type2,...,typeN]>
Do NOT check the specified file type(s).
--export <text|textlist|textedit|xml>
Output in one of the following formats:
  text (default)
  textlist -> plain old text, 1 offending file-per-line
  textedit -> text formatted for IDEs, 1 issue-per-line (file:line:issue)
  xml -> XML formatted
Give the output report a project title.
An acronym for ``component/module/subdir''. Used to write the breadcrumbs line in the XML output. Must be a slash-delimited triple containing the component, module, and subdir which is being scanned.
Only print the output for checkers that have at least 1 issue.
Suppress all output messages.
Print the offending content for each file processed


KRAZY_PLUGIN_PATH - this is a colon-separated list of paths which is searched when locating plugins. By default, plugins are searched for in the path $TOP/lib/krazy2/krazy-plugins:krazy-plugins.

KRAZY_EXTRA_PATH - this is a colon-separated list of paths which is searched when locating ``extra'' plugins. By default, the ``extras'' are searched for in the path $TOP/lib/krazy2/krazy-extras:krazy-extras.

KRAZY_SET_PATH - this is a colon-separated list of paths which is searched when locating checker sets. By default, the sets are searched for in the path $TOP/lib/krazy2/krazy-sets:krazy-sets.

where $TOP is the top-level installation directory (eg. /usr/local, /usr/local/Krazy2)


In normal operation, krazy2all exits with a status 0.

If a command line option was incorrectly provided, krazy2all exits with status=1.

If krazy2all was envoked with the --help, --version --list or --list-types options it will exit with status=0.


Copyright (c) 2005-2010 by Allen Winter <winter [at]>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.


.krazy (see krazyrc(5))

krazy2all looks up the current working directory tree for a .krazy file in the project subdirectory. Only .krazy files found at the project subdirectory level are read.

For example, if the current working dir is /my/kde/trunk/KDE/kdepimlibs/kcal/versit, then krazy2all will look for /my/kde/trunk/KDE/kdepimlibs/kcal/.krazy, since kcal is the project within the kdepimlibs module.

If the current working dir is not within a KDE module, or if the current working dir is above a project subdir, then a .krazy file will not be read.


Allen Winter, <winter [at]>


krazyrc(5), krazy2(1), krazy2xml(1)