bson_destroy_with_steal (3) - Linux Manuals

bson_destroy_with_steal: The bson_destroy_with_steal() function shall destroy a bson_t structure but return the underlying buffer instead of freeing it. If steal is false, this is equivalent to calling bson_destroy(). It is a programming error to call this function on a bson_t that is not a top-level bson_t, shuch as those initialized with bson_append_document_begin(), bson_append_array_begin(), and bson_writer_begin().


bson_destroy_with_steal() - The bson_destroy_with_steal() function shall destroy a bson_t structure but return the underlying buffer instead of freeing it. If steal is false, this is equivalent to calling bson_destroy(). It is a programming error to call this function on a bson_t that is not a top-level bson_t, shuch as those initialized with bson_append_document_begin(), bson_append_array_begin(), and bson_writer_begin().


uint8_t *
bson_destroy_with_steal (bson_t   *bson,
                         bool      steal,
                         uint32_t *length);


A bson_t \&.

A bool indicating if the underlying buffer should be stolen.

A location for storing the resulting buffer length.


The bson_destroy_with_steal(3) function shall destroy a bson_t structure but return the underlying buffer instead of freeing it. If steal is false, this is equivalent to calling bson_destroy(). It is a programming error to call this function on a bson_t that is not a top-level bson_t , shuch as those initialized with bson_append_document_begin(3) , bson_append_array_begin(3) , and bson_writer_begin(3) \&.


bson_destroy_with_steal(3) shall return a buffer containing the contents of the bson_t if steal is non-zero. This should be freed with bson_free(3) when no longer in use. length will be set to the length of the bson document if non-NULL.


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