xmms (1) - Linux Manuals

xmms: an audio player for X.


XMMS - an audio player for X.


xmms [-h] [--help] [-n <session>] [--session=<session>] [-r] [--rew] [-p] [--play] [-u] [--pause] [-s] [--stop] [-t] [--play-pause] [-f] [--fwd] [-e] [--enqueue] [-S] [--toggle-shuffle] [-R] [--toggle-repeat] [-A] [--toggle-advance] [-m] [--show-main-window] [-q] [--quit] [-i <session id>] [--sm-client-id=<session id>] [-v] [--version] [filename]...


XMMS is the X Multimedia System. It is used to play audio and other kinds of media files. By default XMMS can play MPEG audio, Ogg Vorbis, RIFF wav, most module formats and a few other formats. XMMS can be extended through plugins to play a number of other audio and video formats.


XMMS accepts the following options:
-h, --help
Show summary of options.
-n, --session
Select XMMS session (Default: 0).
-r, --rew
Skip backwards in playlist.
-p, --play
Start playing current playlist.
-u, --pause
Pause current song.
-s, --stop
Stop current song.
-t, --play-pause
Pause if playing, play otherwise.
-f, --fwd
Skip forward in playlist.
-e, --enqueue
Don't clear the playlist.
-Q, --queue
Add file(s) to playlist and queue
-S, --toggle-shuffle[=SWITCH]
Toggle the 'shuffle' flag.

Optional argument SWITCH may be either 'on' or 'off'

-R, --toggle-repeat[=SWITCH]
Toggle the 'repeat' flag.

Optional argument SWITCH may be either 'on' or 'off'

-A, --toggle-advance[=SWITCH]
Toggle the 'no playlist advance' flag.

Optional argument SWITCH may be either 'on' or 'off'

-m, --show-main-window
Show the main window.
-i, --sm-client-id
Set session manager identification.
-v, --version
Print version number and exit.
-q, --quit
Close remote session.


XMMS supports WinAmp style skins. Skins may be stored in either archived (.zip, .wsz, .tgz, .tar.gz, or .tar.bz2) or unarchived format. XMMS looks for skinfiles in /usr/share/xmms/Skins, ~/.xmms/Skins, and locations specified by the SKINSDIR variable.


Global keybindings for XMMS:

z                   Previous song

x                  Play

c                  Pause

v                  Stop

b                  Next song

l                  Play file

j                  Jump to file

r                  Toggle Repeat

s                  Toggle Shuffle

Shift + l          Play directory

Control + l        Play location

Control + p        Preferences dialog

Control + v        Visualization plugin dialog

Control + r        Time remaining

Control + a        Always on top

Control + w        Winshade mode

Control + d        Doublesize mode

Control + e        Easy move

Control + j        Jump to time

Control + z        Start of list

Control + n        No Playlist Advance

Control + 3        File info dialog

Control + Alt + w  Toggle Equalizer winshade mode

Shift + Control + wPlaylist winshade mode

Alt + w            Hide/show mainwindow

Alt + e            Hide/show playlistwindow

Alt + g            Hide/show Equalizer

Alt + s            Skin selecting window

Main window specific:

Arrow key up       Volume up 2%

Arrow key down     Volume down 2%

Arrow key right    Skip 5 seconds forward in song

Arrow key left     Skip 5 seconds back in song

Playlist window specific:

Arrow key up       Up one step in playlist

Arrow key down     Down one step in playlist

Delete             Remove selected songs from playlist

Control + Delete   Keeps the selected tracks and removes the rest

Q                  Queue/Dequeue the tracks selected

Shift + Q          Clear the queue list

Alt + Q            Queue manager

Page Up            Move one page up

Page Down          Move one page down

Home               First page in playlist

End                Last page in playlist

Enter              Play selected song

Insert             Add file dialog

Shift + Insert     Add directory dialog

Alt + Insert       Add url dialog

Equalizer shade mode specific:

Arrow key up       Volume up 2%

Arrow key down     Volume down 2%

Arrow key right    Balance 4% to right

Arrow key left     Balance 4% to left


Users xmms configuration.
Default playlist usually loaded on startup.
Users set of xmms-specific GTK config settings. Options such as widget color and fonts sizes can be set here.
Users set of keybindings.
~/.xmms/Skins, /usr/share/xmms/Skins
Default locations where XMMS should look for skinfiles.
Location of user installed plugins.


Colon separated list of paths where XMMS should look for skinfiles.
Tar command supporting GNU tar style decompression. Used for unpacking gzip and bzip2 compressed skins. Default is tar.
Command for decompressing zip files (skins). Default is unzip.


The webpage for XMMS is at http://www.xmms.org. Here you can find info about XMMS, download the latest version, plugins, and skins.

