2 Ways of Resetting All Git Submodules in a Git Repository

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Git submodule is a nice and convenient mechanism in Git to include the other Git repositories and manage the version/commit used from the submodule Git repository. However, there are cases where we would like “reset” the submodule, such as when we find updating a submodule repository will break the code tree, or merge some updates
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Useful Git Submodule Commands

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git submodule is a very useful tools in git to include other git repositories in one repository to handle cases such as library dependencies. In this post, I summarize some commonly used commands that I find useful for working with git submodule. For the list of full commands, check the git submodule manual. Add a
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Vim Howtos and Tips

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Vim is a fast and handy editor on *nix systems. Like Emacs, Vim has a steep learning curve as you get constantly get new things. However, the effort deserves it as you efficiency is highly improved. Here, I summarize the tips and howtos I learned using Vim. Some previous posts on vim are tagged with
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