How to synchronize Google Drive and Google Docs files in Ubuntu/Debian/Mint Linux using Insync

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Google Drive is a nice cloud storage service. It provides a suite of nice online document spreadsheet and slide editors Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Slides. The collaborative editing and full history tracking features of Google Docs are excellent. Google Drive gives 16GB free storage which is pretty much larger compared to other free
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How to make tee catch the stderr only in Linux?

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I would like to make tee catch the stderr and log it into a file. A brute force method by let tee listen on both stderr and stdout is okay like cmd 2>&1 | tee -a log But how to make tee catch the stderr only? You can make use of “process substitution” (>(…)) to
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How to redirect anything written on a file to another file in linux?

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Suppose we have two files, a.txt and b.txt . If we write anything in a.txt & b.txt, it should be redirected to c.txt. tee may help for this purpose. tee: duplicate standard input You may try a command like this: echo “hello” | tee -a a.txt >>b.txt Both a.txt and b.txt will contain the “hello”.
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How to redirect STDOUT of sudo command on Linux and write to file as root?

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A try like the following command failed $ sudo echo “echo hello” > /usr/local/bin/hello with an message bash: /usr/local/bin/hello: Permission denied It seems the writing to the file is executed under the non-root user. How to redirect STDOUT of sudo command on Linux and write the content to the file (/usr/local/bin/hello here) as root? You
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