gdb like step by step debugger for Python
Posted on In QA, TutorialAny good debugger for Python that is like gdb so that the code can be executed step by step for debugging purpose?
You might check pdb.
You can debug a program such as
by invoking it through pdb
python -m pdb
Common gdb commands can be found in pdb
(Pdb) h
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF bt cont enable jump pp run unt
a c continue exit l q s until
alias cl d h list quit step up
args clear debug help n r tbreak w
b commands disable ignore next restart u whatis
break condition down j p return unalias where
One example for your reference:
$ python -m pdb
> /home/zma/.../braille_translation_2/<module>()
-> def answer(plaintext):
(Pdb) l
1 -> def answer(plaintext):
2 # your code here
3 # build dict
4 braillecapmark = "000001"
5 brailledict = dict()
6 sample = "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
7 sampleencode = "011110110010100010000000111110101001010100100100101000000000110000111010101010010111101110000000110100101010101101000000010110101001101100111100011100000000101010111001100010111010000000011110110010100010000000111000100000101011101111000000100110101010110110"
8 for idx in xrange(len(sample)):
9 brailledict[sample[idx]] = sampleencode[(idx * 6):(idx * 6 + 6)]
11 # encode now
(Pdb) b 4
Breakpoint 1 at /home/zma/.../braille_translation_2/
(Pdb) c
> /home/zma/.../braille_translation_2/
-> braillecapmark = "000001"
(Pdb) l
1 def answer(plaintext):
2 # your code here
3 # build dict
4 B-> braillecapmark = "000001"
5 brailledict = dict()
6 sample = "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
7 sampleencode = "011110110010100010000000111110101001010100100100101000000000110000111010101010010111101110000000110100101010101101000000010110101001101100111100011100000000101010111001100010111010000000011110110010100010000000111000100000101011101111000000100110101010110110"
8 for idx in xrange(len(sample)):
9 brailledict[sample[idx]] = sampleencode[(idx * 6):(idx * 6 + 6)]
11 # encode now