How to install the Chrome browser on Fedora Linux from Google? Google provides a repository for yum/dnf on Fedora. First, following to add Google Chrome repository. Then, you can install Google Chrome by yum/dnf: # dnf install google-chrome-stable
Tag: Chrome
How to export Google Chrome password on Linux?
Posted onHow to export my Google Chrome password on Linux to a human-readable text file? In newer versions of Chrome, the passwords are stored using the encrypted password storage provided by the system, either Gnome Keyring or KWallet. We need to force Chrome to use a temporary profile folder with unencrypted password storage. Step 1. Connect
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How to make Chrome on iPhone (iOS) accept self assigned ssl keys fir websites?
Posted onThis tutorial introduces how to make Chrome accept self assigned ssl keys for websites: However, on iPhone, Chrome blocks me from access sites with self assigned keys. How to make Chrome on iPhone also accept the ssl keys? At the time when I wrote this reply, there is no way to add Certificate Authorities
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How to fix “Your profile could not be opened correctly.” on Linux?
Posted onI experience the program on Linux (Fedora 12) that Chrome reports “Your profile could not be opened correctly.” as follows. How to fix it? Restarting Chrome would not help. Removing the ‘Web Data’ directories from all profiles works for me (Making backup first as the commands will remove your files): cd ~/.config/google-chrome find ./ -name
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Good Cinnamon theme for Fedora 21 Linux?
Posted onAny suggestion on good theme configuration for Fedora 21 Linux? My favorite combination of Window borders, Icons, Controls, Mouse Pointer and Desktop is as follows. All packages and themes are from Fedora repository or the Cinnamon repository. Remember to set the cursor theme for QT application like Google Chrome following: For this configuration, the
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Running Chrome over SSH tunnel
Posted onHow to run Chrome on remote host over a SSH tunnel? This way, I can access resource that can only be accessed inside the remote host’s network. Running Chrome over a SSH tunnel is much easier than running Firefox over SSH from a Linux host: First, ssh to the remote host with -X option: ssh
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How to flush a cached redirect by Chrome?
Posted onChrome caches redirects. How to flush a cached redirect by Chrome? Clearing the cache/cookies for the specific domain (sorry, it is the domain level in this solution) as in will also flush the redirect caches for this domain.
How to turn the space bar to another ctrl key?
Posted onHow to turn the space bar to another ctrl key? It will be dam useful especially for Emacs users and also useful for normal usage like for tab changing in Chrome or Gnome terminal. You may try 2 tools in userspace: Space2Ctrl: xcape: Note that the limitation of these solutions: the space will
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How to upgrade Fedora 19 to Fedora 20 through the network?
Posted onHow to upgrade Fedora 19 to Fedora 20 through the network? The tool for Fedora to upgrade the distribution is FedUp. Check this page for how to upgrade Fedora 19 to Fedora 20: Be sure to check the bugs in Fedora 20 before the upgrading: Generally, it contains 3 steps: Preparation # yum
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How to install JRE for Chrome on Linux x86-64
Posted onHow to install JRE for Chrome on Linux x86-64? Use JRE from Oracle on Fedora Linux x86-64 as the example: Download jre from . Select Linux x64. Install it by # yum install jre-7u40-linux-x64.rpm (the downloaded rpm). Make a softlink of the plugin:$ cd ~/.mozilla/plugins/; ln -s /usr/java/jre1.7.0_40/lib/amd64/ ./ Restart Chrome and browse chrome://plugins/
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How to delete multiple items from Kindle Library
Posted onThe Kindle Library Web interface only provide interface to delete items one by one. How to delete multiple items from my Kindle Library? This works on Chrome. First, browse deki.js to find the javascript for the “DeKi: Delete Kindle Items” plugin. Press “Ctrl + A” then “Ctrl + C” to copy all the javascript code.
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How to remove cookies for a certain site in Chrome?
Posted onHow to remove cookies for a specific site/domain in Chrome? I just want to delete the cookies by one site, not the whole cookies stored by my browser. In Chrome’s settings (open chrome://settings/ in the URL bar): Search for “cookie” and you will find “Privacy” -> “Content Settings”. Click the button “Content Settings”. In the
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How to force Chrome on iPhone refresh pages and invalidate the caches
Posted onI find Chrome on my iPhone caches pages/css/js files. That makes browsing faster. However, under some situation, I’d like to force it refresh the pages/css/js and give me the latest one. How to force Chrome on iPhone refresh pages and invalidate the caches? The only method as far as I can find is to clear
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How to exclude certain repositories in yum?
Posted onThis tutorial introduces how to exclude certain repositories in yum. Excluding certain repositories is needed usually. One example may be when you have several repositories that have the same package and you only want the one from a certain repository. For my situation, I choose to exclude the google-chrome and other repositories from Google when
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Set Chrome RSS Subscription Extension to Subscribe to RSS feed using Feedly
Posted onHow to set Chrome RSS Subscription Extension so that I can subscribe to RSS feed using Feedly? Both tools are great and it will be better to combine them together. The link in feedly to subscribe a RSS feed (e.g. ) is: We can replace the RSS feed URL with a %s in
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How to set Google Chrome’s proxy settings in command line on Linux?
Posted onHow to set Google Chrome’s proxy settings in command line on Linux? I am using Google Chrome on Linux and start it by google-chrome. How can I set the proxy using the command line? It tell me that my desktop is not supported but I can set the proxy in command line. Use the –proxy-server
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Chrome’s KDE proxy integration broken on KDE / Fedora
Posted onChrome reads the proxy settings from Gnome correctly. However, when I run Chrome under KDE, the proxy integration is broken: In the settings of Chrome, clicking the “Change proxy settings” opens the KDE proxy setting dialog correctly (the command kcmshell4 proxy actually is executed). However, after the proxy settings are made, Chrome does not read
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Chrome reports “Adobe Flash Player was blocked because it is out of date.”
Posted onOn Linux (Fedora 17 x86-64), Chrome keeps reporting “Adobe Flash Player was blocked because it is out of date.” every time I browse a page that contains Flash. How to fix this? I did this and it turned to be working for me: Disable the libpepflashplayer in Chrome by run chrome://plugins/ in the URL bar.
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Download the video playing in Chrome.
Posted onHow to download the video playing in Chrome? Download the video playing in Chrome. Checkout the “FVD Video Downloader”: FVD Video Downloader If you are using Firefox, DownloadHelper ( ) can handle videos even youtube very well.
Google Chrome keyboard and mouse shortcuts for Linux and Windows
Posted onWhat are the Google Chrome keyboard and mouse shortcuts for Linux and Windows? Keyboard shortcuts of Chrome can make it easier to control the browser and save our time. Here are a list of commonly used shortcuts: Ctrl+T Opens a new tab. Press Ctrl and click a link. Or click a link with your middle
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