The world of technology has evolved drastically over the last few decades. Almost every aspect of our lives is dominated by technology. At the heart of technology lies computer programming. Computer programming is what dictates the success of the technology. I mean think about it, your smartphone, PC, ETC they all rely on programming. This
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Tag: laptop
New Linux Kernel 5.0: Features and Improvements
Posted onLinux is the most used and well-known open-source operating system for computers, mobile devices, servers, and mainframes, etc. Linux has so many awesome features to serve its users like Live CD/USB. And it is fast, easy and free to use by computers around the world. The kernel is referred to as the essential component of
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How to disable laptop’s internal keyboard on Linux?
Posted onI connect a USB keyboard to my laptop so the internal keyboard is not used anymore. But I may press some keys by accident. How to disable the laptop internal keyboard? I am working on Linux. This post introduces how to disable laptop’s internal keyboard on Linux: How to Disable and Enable Laptop Keyboard in
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Skype crashes because it cannot read data from “C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorLocal SettingsTemp”
Posted onOn my laptop, I install windows xp because it is user-friendly for me. However, Skype cannot be open because “The system is not unavailable”. At last, I find the “Skype” directory under “C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorLocal SettingsTemp” cannot be accessed. “C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorLocal SettingsTemp” is like temporary directory for specific user under Linux OS. Actually, for
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Required packages for building YouCompleteMe for Vim on Fedora 21
Posted onYouCompleteMe for Vim on Fedora 21 reports this error: [zma@laptop:~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe]$ ./ — The C compiler identification is GNU 4.9.2 — The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.9.2 — Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc — Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc — works — Detecting C compiler ABI info — Detecting C compiler ABI info
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VirtualBox report “Kernel driver not installed” on Fedora 21
Posted onVitualBox is installed on Fedora 21 by # yum install VirtualBox The following packages are installed kmod-VirtualBox-3.18.7-200.fc21.x86_64-4.3.20-4.fc21.4.x86_64 VirtualBox-4.3.20-3.fc21.x86_64 There is the kernel modules package installed. However, when running virtualbox (after reboot), it reports: [zma@laptop:~]$ virtualbox WARNING: The vboxdrv kernel module is not loaded. Either there is no module available for the current kernel (3.18.7-200.fc21.x86_64) or
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How to get the directory path and file name from a absolute path in Bash on Linux?
Posted onHow to get the directory path and file name from a absolute path in Bash on Linux? For example, with “/foo/bar/baz.txt”, it will produce: “/foo/bar/” and “baz.txt”. You also have the basename and dirname commands besides of the basename and dirname C API in Linux: [zma@laptop:~]$ p=”/foo/bar/baz.txt” [zma@laptop:~]$ dirname $p /foo/bar [zma@laptop:~]$ basename $p baz.txt
How can I recover data from my crashed hard drive?
Posted onMy laptop’s hard drive crashed. I went to someone else and got the hard drive replaced, but they could not recover my data. You may try PhotoRec as for . Although its named with “Photo”, PhotoRec can recover many kinds of files as listed in .
How to monitor temperatures of laptop on Linux
Posted onHow to monitor temperatures of laptop on Linux? This works on Linux Mint: sudo aptitude install lm-sensors hddtemp For lm-sensors, first detect the sensors by: sudo sensors-detect To detect the temperature in the system: sudo sensors To detect the HDD (e.g. sda) temperature: sudo hddtemp /dev/sda An example of the output: [zma@mini:~]$ sudo sensors acpitz-virtual-0
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Direct multi-hop ssh connection
Posted onHow to use multi-hop ssh connection without needs to ssh multiple times? As a example, you are connecting to through from as follows: laptop —-> proxy —-> server 2 possible methods: Method 1: Use the similar method as in Directly SSH to hosts using internal IPs through the gateway. Add this to
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HTML form generation from the database and store value into the database
Posted onI have a “t_form” table and a “t_attribute” table. It looks a little bit like below. Form table form_id | form_name | description ———————————– 1 | Laptop | Possible attributes are Model, Screen Size, OS, Cd Player 2 | Mobile | Possible attributes are Model, OS 3 | Tablet | Possible attributes are Model, Screen
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Length of int in OCaml?
Posted onWhat is the length of int in OCaml? It is said that int in OCaml is 31. But I get this: # (1 lsl 33);; – : int = 8589934592 8589934592 is larger than 2^31. On my laptop (64-bit Fedora Linux), the int in OCaml is 63 bits. The code (count1s counts the number of
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How to turn my iPhone to a mouse?
Posted oniPhone has the touch screen. Is is possible to turn my iPhone to a wireless mouse on Linux? Use the WiFi Mouse app/server: First, install the WiFi Mouse app on you iPhone: Second, install the WiFi Mouse server downloaded from If you are using Fedora Linux, you need to convert the .deb
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How to Disable and Enable Laptop Keyboard for Server in Linux
Posted onAttaching a USB keyboard to a laptop is common when using a laptop because a normal keyboard may provide a more convenient typing experience. The laptop keyboard is not used in these situations. However, the laptop keyboard may still be touched by accident. In this post, we will discuss how to disable and enable the
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Notes for Beginners of Software Development on Linux
Posted onLinux is a great platform for software development targeting servers or backends. In general, working on Linux is very productive. The problem that beginners on Linux face is the the learning curve is steep at the beginning. But believe me, after you get through the initial green steep learning step as in the figure below
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How to Play Movie from Remote Host using MPlayer over SSH
Posted onMPlayer is a great movie player. SSH is a great tool to connect and transfer data over the network securely. Combining these 2 great tools together will be greater. You may already has a small server storing some movies or videos or music and playing them on your laptop will be convenient. In this post,
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Git through SSH Tunnel as Proxy
Posted ongit is a great tool and it is common to have a git server over SSH possibly managed by gitolite. However, there are situations that we can not directly connect to the git server but be able to SSH to another node that can connect to the git server. The git server may allow only
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HP Compaq BIOS Crisis Recovery from a Failed BIOS Flashing Using a USB Flash Disk
Posted onI tried to flash my HP Compaq CQ35-240TX’s BIOS to F.15 but unfortunately failed. The computer turned to white screen. When I restarted (powered off then boot again), this is no response any more: the hard disk and caps lock’s LED keep blinding. I thought “Oh my God! I must send it to HP to
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How to Install Xen on Fedora as Domain-0 (Fedora 17)
Posted onThe new development of Xen and Linux kernel make it easy to install Xen on Fedora as the Domain-0 now. This post uses Fedora 17 as an example platform to introduce how to set up Domain-0 on Fedora Linux. Compared to our old method ( which requires manually compiled Xen and patched kernel, the current
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Improving Font Rendering for Fedora Using Bytecode Interpreter
Posted onFedora’s font rendering isn’t very nice. At least on my laptop with Fedora 12. Bytecode Interpreter (BCI for short) is disabled by default because of patent issues. As the TrueType bytecode patents have expired. We may enable BCI in Fedora now. TrueType announced that BCI is enabled by default from 2.4. Fedora 12’s TrueType version
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