This post summarizes Linux Kernel new features, bugfixes and changes in Linux 4.19.178 Release. Linux 4.19.178 Release contains 248 changes, patches or new features. In total, there are 239,909 lines of Linux source code changed/added in Linux 4.19.178 release compared to Linux 4.19 release. To view the source code of Linux 4.19.178 kernel release online,
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Tag: USB
Linux Kernel 4.14.223 Release
Posted onThis post summarizes Linux Kernel new features, bugfixes and changes in Linux 4.14.223 Release. Linux 4.14.223 Release contains 176 changes, patches or new features. In total, there are 277,921 lines of Linux source code changed/added in Linux 4.14.223 release compared to Linux 4.14 release. To view the source code of Linux 4.14.223 kernel release online,
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Linux Kernel 5.4.102 Release
Posted onThis post summarizes Linux Kernel new features, bugfixes and changes in Linux 5.4.102 Release. Linux 5.4.102 Release contains 338 changes, patches or new features. In total, there are 160,715 lines of Linux source code changed/added in Linux 5.4.102 release compared to Linux 5.4 release. To view the source code of Linux 5.4.102 kernel release online,
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Linux Kernel 4.9.60 Release
Posted onThis post summarizes Linux Kernel new features, bugfixes and changes in Linux 4.9.60 Release. Linux 4.9.60 Release contains 24 changes, patches or new features. In total, there are 64,224 lines of Linux source code changed/added in Linux 4.9.60 release compared to Linux 4.9 release. To view the source code of Linux 4.9.60 kernel release online,
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Linux Kernel 5.4.72 Release
Posted onThis post summarizes Linux Kernel new features, bugfixes and changes in Linux 5.4.72 Release. Linux 5.4.72 Release contains 23 changes, patches or new features. In total, there are 126,508 lines of Linux source code changed/added in Linux 5.4.72 release compared to Linux 5.4 release. To view the source code of Linux 5.4.72 kernel release online,
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Linux Kernel: Add support for using a MAX3421E chip as a host driver
Posted onThis change “Add support for using a MAX3421E chip as a host driver.” (commit 2d53139) in Linux kernel is authored by David Mosberger <davidm [at]> on Mon Apr 28 22:14:07 2014 -0600. Description of “Add support for using a MAX3421E chip as a host driver.” The change “Add support for using a MAX3421E chip
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Linux Kernel 4.19.70 Release
Posted onThis post summarizes new features, bugfixes and changes in Linux kernel release 4.19.70. Linux 4.19.70 Release contains 95 changes, patches or new features. In total, there are 101,521 lines of Linux source code changed/added in Linux 4.19.70 release compared to Linux 4.19 release. To view the source code of Linux 4.19.70 kernel release online, please
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New Linux Kernel 5.0: Features and Improvements
Posted onLinux is the most used and well-known open-source operating system for computers, mobile devices, servers, and mainframes, etc. Linux has so many awesome features to serve its users like Live CD/USB. And it is fast, easy and free to use by computers around the world. The kernel is referred to as the essential component of
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How to use encfs in Android?
Posted onIs encfs available in an Android phone? You may try Encdroid a piece of free software released under the GNU General Public License. It is an Android application. It can access EncFS volumes on cloud storage or internal/USB storage devices. Google Play Store Link: Source code:
rtl8192cu driver for CentOS 7
Posted onI find the rtl8192cu wireless adapter driver on CentOS 7 is quite unstable. After running a while, the connection will disappear. How to make it stable? There is a bug in some hardware where the device never wakes back up. You may try disabling the power management by putting a file 8192cu-disable-power-management.conf under /etc/modprobe.d/: #
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how to use pc internet of window8 on iphone 4s via usb
Posted onhow to use pc internet on iPhone 4s wia usb cable, pc is of window 8 and in network setting its not showing of connection of I phones network I ever wrote a tutorial at . But please be aware that it worked only on specific OS combinations. So, I am not sure whether
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How to transfer text messages from android to computer?
Posted onHow to transfer text messages from android phone to computer? One solution is to use the SMS Backup & Restore app. The app will backup your messages to a microSD card and then you can copy it out to a PC by connecting your Android phone to your PC with the USB cable.
How to install Windows from USB drive?
Posted onI have downloaded the iso file of Windows 10 installation disk from . But I do not have a DVD R/W drive. Whether and how to install Windows from a USB drive? You can use the Windows USB/DVD Download Tool to make a USB from the Windows ISO. Download and install the Windows USB/DVD
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How to disable laptop’s internal keyboard on Linux?
Posted onI connect a USB keyboard to my laptop so the internal keyboard is not used anymore. But I may press some keys by accident. How to disable the laptop internal keyboard? I am working on Linux. This post introduces how to disable laptop’s internal keyboard on Linux: How to Disable and Enable Laptop Keyboard in
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How to install driver for TP-LINK T2U wifi adapter on Linux?
Posted onHow to install driver for TP-LINK T2U wifi adapter on Linux? I am using Fedora Linux 22. The kernel module for the driver for TP-LINK T2U is “mt7650u_sta”. TP-LINK and mediatek provide drivers (mediatek one is for 7610u). But neither work for Fedora 22 AFAIK. This piece of modified driver work for me on Fedora
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How to force a USB 3.0 port to work in USB 2.0 mode in Linux?
Posted onWe know that we can disable USB 3.0 in the BIOS. But is there a way to force a USB 3.0 port to work in USB 2.0 mode inside of a running Linux? On Linux on some platforms booted in BIOS modes, you can use the following command to force USB 2.0 modes for your
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How to check whether a USB disk is connected to a Linux server?
Posted onI can only connect to a Linux server by SSH. How to check whether a USB disk is connected to the Linux server? 2 ways I usuaully use: Method One: Check the print out of dmesg After the USB storage is connected and detected by Linux, it may print some messages containing “[sde]” (the new
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Get error message on usb2 stick – READ ONLY FILE SYSTEM. What should i do?
Posted onCant read or write to files on usb stick or move or copy them. Could you provide the dmesg output? It will help to understand your question. If it is formated on Windows, you may need to install the ntfs-3g package to write to the usb disk.
How to disable auto mounting on Linux Mint Cinnamon?
Posted onI prefer Linux Mint (I am using Cinnamon) not automatically mounting a portable storage such as USB disk or iPhone for me and I would like do the mounting manually if I need it. The default behavior of Linux Mint is to automatically mount the disks. How to disable this? The auto mounting on Linux
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How to dynamically attach a disk to running DomU in Xen?
Posted onI want to attach a disk to a DomU. The Xen DomU is running and should not be rebooted. Hence, changing its configuration file is not an option. How to dynamically attach a disk to running DomU in Xen? To attach phy:vg_xen/vm-228-large to vm-228 as xvdb, run this on Dom0: # xl block-attach vm-228 phy:vg_xen/vm-228-large
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