How to add a crontab entry from a shell script on Linux?
Posted on In QAcrontab -e
will start an editor to edit the crontab entries. But how to add a crontab entry from a shell script on Linux without interaction from users?
You can try this piece of script:
(crontab -l; echo "@reboot echo "rebooted"";) | crontab -
Note that the update by this line of script is not atomic. If some other programs edit the crontab files between the first and second invokes of crontab
, the edits will be lost. Hence, make sure there is not other programs/admins editing the crontab when you use this piece of script.
Answered by Vivian.
Fantastic solution, thank you!
I’ve implemented this into a BASH function:
add_cron() {
# save the entire line in one variable
# check if line already exists in crontab
crontab -l | grep “$line” > /dev/null
if [ $status -ne 0 ]
echo “adding line …”
(crontab -l; echo “$line”;) | crontab –
This avoids duplicate adding. You can then add a line like so:
add_cron “* * * * * /path/to/executable argument_1 argument_2 >/dev/null 2>&1”
Kind regards,