Install R and RStudio Desktop in macOS

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We ever discussed How To Install R and RStudio Desktop in Ubuntu Linux 20.04. In this post, we introduce how to install R and RSTudio Desktop on macOS. Install R environment Install R environment as follows using Homebrew. $ brew install R Then verify that the R environment is installed and ready, by running in
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Installing R and RStudio Desktop in Ubuntu Linux

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We ever discussed How To Install R and RStudio Server in Ubuntu Linux 20.04. If the purpose is to install a local RStudio IDE instead of a remote RStudio Server, we can install RStudio Desktop. In this post, we introduce how to install R and RStudio Desktop on Ubuntu Linux 20.04. For other Ubuntu version,
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Installing R and RStudio Server in Ubuntu Linux

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R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics, providing a wide variety of statistical and graphical techniques. The R environment is open source software under GPL. R has rich software packages and is widely used for statistical analysis. RStudio Server is an R integrated development environment (IDE) that provides many useful features
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New Linux Kernel 5.0: Features and Improvements

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Linux is the most used and well-known open-source operating system for computers, mobile devices, servers, and mainframes, etc. Linux has so many awesome features to serve its users like Live CD/USB. And it is fast, easy and free to use by computers around the world. The kernel is referred to as the essential component of
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How to synchronize Google Drive and Google Docs files in Ubuntu/Debian/Mint Linux using Insync

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Google Drive is a nice cloud storage service. It provides a suite of nice online document spreadsheet and slide editors Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Slides. The collaborative editing and full history tracking features of Google Docs are excellent. Google Drive gives 16GB free storage which is pretty much larger compared to other free
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GNOME 3 "Natural scrolling" mouse option does not work

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In GNOME 3 “Settings” -> “Devices” -> “Mouse & Touchpad”, after setting “Natural scrolling” to On, the scrolling is still as the same before (non-natural). How to fix this? This is likely related to the X11 driver. Remove the xorg-x11-drv-synaptics driver if it is installed. And install the xorg-x11-drv-libinput driver if it is not installed.
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How to install GNOME 3 in Ubuntu MATE 18.04?

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How to install the GNOME 3 (gnome-shell) desktop environment in Ubuntu MATE 18.04? To install gnome3 to Ubuntu, install these packages sudo apt install gnome-session gdm3 ubuntu-desktop During installation, the installation tools will let you choose the default display manager. You may choose gdm3. Then reboot you Ubuntu Linux and gdm3 will be shown. Click
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How to autohide top and bottom panel in RHEL 7

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How to autohide top and bottom panels in RHEL 7 while application is running I don’t think GNOME 3 or GNOME 3 classic has this function available or there any plugins that supports so. If you need this function that the panel can hide automatically, you may consider another desktop environment, such as MATE, that
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Ubuntu’s GUI response is very slow

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For Dell PowerEdge T630 server, if you install latest Ubuntu desktop version (16.04) or (14.04), you will get a very slow GUI (X-window). $ inxi -G Graphics: Card: Matrox Systems G200eR2 1.15.1 driver: vesa tty size: 205×58 Advanced Data: N/A out of X For Ubuntu 14.04.1, this problem can be solved by following steps.
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How to change the display manager on Fedora Linux?

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The default display manager on my Fedora 22 is gdm. If I would like to change it to other display manager like KDM, LightDM or other, which is the portable and reliable method? You can use the “system-switch-displaymanager” tools to manage the display manager. This is possibly the most portable way. To install it: #
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I cannot login Ubuntu Precise desktop

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I cannot login desktop in Ubuntu Precise. It told me following errors: Could not write bytes: Broken Pipe… Check Battery Satte Actually, I tried many ways to solve this problem. It seems that something wrong with my lightdm software so, at last, I use gdm software to replace lightdm to kill this problem. Just install
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Good Cinnamon theme for Fedora 21 Linux?

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Any suggestion on good theme configuration for Fedora 21 Linux? My favorite combination of Window borders, Icons, Controls, Mouse Pointer and Desktop is as follows. All packages and themes are from Fedora repository or the Cinnamon repository. Remember to set the cursor theme for QT application like Google Chrome following: For this configuration, the
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How to remove AdSense ads for mobile devices while keep them for desktops?

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I want to add adsense ads to be shown to visitors on desktop only. How to remove AdSense ads for mobile devices? You can achieve this through using “Responsive ad unit” of AdSense. The support article Create a responsive ad unit from AdSense discusses this and gives an example. Check the “Hiding an ad unit”
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Cannot connect QEMU guest os with vncviewer

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The question is as follows. harry@debian:~/workshop1/qemu_test/version1/test$ qemu-system-x86_64 -hda qcow2.img -cdrom domU-x86_64-FS.img -boot d -m 1024 VNC server running on `::1:5900′ harry@debian:~/workshop1/qemu_test/version1/test$ vncviewer vncviewer: ConnectToTcpAddr: connect: Connection refused Unable to connect to VNC server Solution (add -vnc parameter for qemu-system-x86_64): harry@debian:~/workshop1/qemu_test/version1/test$ qemu-system-x86_64 -hda qcow2.img -cdrom domU-x86_64-FS.img -boot d -m 1024 -vnc harry@debian:~/workshop1/qemu_test/version1/test$ vncviewer
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How to change the window title font family and size in Gnome 3?

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It was ever possible to set it in gnome-teak-tool. However, in the latest Gnome 3, it disappears. Is there any other way to set it? The configuration is the org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences titlebar-font under dconf. You can use dconf-editor to find the appropriate key entry and set it. Or use gsettings: $ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences titlebar-font ‘Sans
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