DNF/YUM can automatically download the RPM packages and install them. Under some situations, we may prefer to make a copy of the RPM files for offline usage so that no need to have network connections to install the software packages. For such purposes, we need to make a copy of the RPM packages. It is
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Tag: redirect
Redirect Feed Links to follow.it using .htaccess
Posted onFeedburner used to a powerful tool for RSS feeds publishing and subscriber management. However, feedburner will unlikely leave its maintenance mode because there has been no new features yet less features for quite some years. But RSS feed is still an important part of the Web supported by many software such as WordPress. follow.it is
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How to synchronize OneDrive and OneDrive for Business files in Linux using Insync
Posted onOneDrive is one of the good cloud storage services available and there is a business version called OneDrive for Business. Microsoft’s Office 365 plan is widely used including Exchange Email service and OneDrive for Business. However, there is no official client released yet for Linux users. Insync is a third party cloud storage syncing software
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Port forwarding on local host
Posted onI am trying to forward UDP port 500 to 2500 on local host, but can’t get this to work – I have run: iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp -d –dport 500 -j DNAT –to-destination iptables -A FORWARD -p udp -d –dport 2500 -j ACCEPT where is the IP of
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How to redirect non-www domain to www domain in .htaccess?
Posted onI have a website. But I would like use the www.example.com instead of example.com. How to redirect non-www domain to www domain on my server? I am using apache2 (httpd). You can add a piece of code into the top .htaccess in your site: Specific method: redirect example.com domain to www.example.com domain RewriteEngine On RewriteBase
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How to make tee catch the stderr only in Linux?
Posted onI would like to make tee catch the stderr and log it into a file. A brute force method by let tee listen on both stderr and stdout is okay like cmd 2>&1 | tee -a log But how to make tee catch the stderr only? You can make use of “process substitution” (>(…)) to
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How to redirect anything written on a file to another file in linux?
Posted onSuppose we have two files, a.txt and b.txt . If we write anything in a.txt & b.txt, it should be redirected to c.txt. tee may help for this purpose. tee: duplicate standard input You may try a command like this: echo “hello” | tee -a a.txt >>b.txt Both a.txt and b.txt will contain the “hello”.
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How to redirect WordPress search query to Google CSE?
Posted onHow to redirect WordPress search query to Google CSE? You can configure Google CSE to read the query variable (by default, it is q). Then, in your WordPress’s .htaccess file, add these 2 lines RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^s=(.*)$ RewriteRule ^ https://www.google.com/cse/publicurl?cx=xyz&q=%1 [R,L] Here, “https://www.google.com/cse/publicurl?cx=xyz” is your CSE’s public URL or the webpage that contains the Google
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How to redirect STDOUT of sudo command on Linux and write to file as root?
Posted onA try like the following command failed $ sudo echo “echo hello” > /usr/local/bin/hello with an message bash: /usr/local/bin/hello: Permission denied It seems the writing to the file is executed under the non-root user. How to redirect STDOUT of sudo command on Linux and write the content to the file (/usr/local/bin/hello here) as root? You
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How to force a website to use https by htaccess settings?
Posted onI would like my site to be accessed by https only. How to force a website to use https by htaccess settings by redirecting http requests to the corresponding https ones? You can check the method of redirecting http to https at: https://www.systutorials.com/qa/1033/how-to-redirect-http-to-https-in-apache-with-mod_rewrite If you would like to have a 301 redirect, you can use
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Cannot connect QEMU guest os with vncviewer
Posted onThe question is as follows. harry@debian:~/workshop1/qemu_test/version1/test$ qemu-system-x86_64 -hda qcow2.img -cdrom domU-x86_64-FS.img -boot d -m 1024 VNC server running on `::1:5900′ harry@debian:~/workshop1/qemu_test/version1/test$ vncviewer vncviewer: ConnectToTcpAddr: connect: Connection refused Unable to connect to VNC server Solution (add -vnc parameter for qemu-system-x86_64): harry@debian:~/workshop1/qemu_test/version1/test$ qemu-system-x86_64 -hda qcow2.img -cdrom domU-x86_64-FS.img -boot d -m 1024 -vnc harry@debian:~/workshop1/qemu_test/version1/test$ vncviewer
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How to redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Apache with mod_rewrite?
Posted onI’d like to force using of https on one of my site. How to redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Apache with mod_rewrite? You can put these lines to the .htaccess file in the directory from which you would like to redirect HTTPS to HTTP: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}
How to flush a cached redirect by Chrome?
Posted onChrome caches redirects. How to flush a cached redirect by Chrome? Clearing the cache/cookies for the specific domain (sorry, it is the domain level in this solution) as in https://www.systutorials.com/qa/453/how-to-remove-cookies-for-a-certain-site-in-chrome will also flush the redirect caches for this domain.
How to disable the email notification by crond?
Posted oncrond sends email notifications automatically. However, these emails are not needed. How to disabled it? If your command does not anything printed to STDOUT or STDERR, there is not emails send. You can redirect 2 and 1 to /dev/null at the end of your command. You can also set the MAILTO variable to empty by
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How to convert HTML file to text on Linux
Posted onHow to convert HTML file to a text on Linux? You can use html2text (can be installed on Fedora by yum install html2text): $ html2text ${html_file} ${html_file} is the html file to be converted. The converted text will be printed to the STDOUT. You can redirect it to a file if it is needed. Adding
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7 Common On Page SEO Mistakes You Are Making and You Should Not
Posted onWith Google algorithm becoming more intelligent with each passing day, the margin for errors has significantly reduced over the past decade. Back in the day, you might get away with keyword stuffing but today, the same offense will strike off your website from Google search engine results. No one wants that, right. To save you
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Directly SSH to Hosts’ Internal IPs Through the Gateway
Posted onWe have many hosts with internal/LAN IPs like 10.0.3.* behind a gateway and the hosts with LAN IPs can connect to the Internet through the gateway. We used iptables to forward port from the gateway to internal IPs so that users from hosts with Internet connections can SSH to the gateway’s forwarded port to log
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How to Redirect WordPress Feed to Feedburner Using .htaccess
Posted on.htaccess is a powerful tool. Let’s look at how to using .htaccess to redirect WordPress feeds to feedburner. Let’s use my blog as the example. The WordPress’s feed url of my blog is https://www.systutorials.com/feed/. Now I want to redirect it to feedburner with url http://feeds.feedburner.com/systutorials . The idea is quite straightforward: For every request to
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How to Redirect a Page with HTTP 301 in PHP
Posted onHTTP 301 Redirect is an SEO friendly way to redirect readers to a page’s new location. There are a lot of benefits of using HTTP 301 Redirect. These benefits can be found in the htaccess method post. htaccess or PHP can be both used for sending 301 redirects. The htaccess method can be found in
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How to Redirect Old Domain to New Domain Using htaccess Redirect
Posted onI want to move the sub domain blog.pkill.info to systutorials.com permanently. I can manage all the pages I want to post using WordPress. Changing domain in a bad way is dangerous. Put a page the tell the reader that the site is moved to a new domain is very unfriendly to the user and also
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