Splitting a String by Another String in C++: A Flexible Utility Function

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In this post, we will explore a flexible utility function for splitting a string based on a given delimiter using C++ and the standard library. This allows us to break down complex strings into smaller parts that are easier to process and manipulate. The C++ Utility Function to Split a String by Another String Background:
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Linux Kernel 4.19.178 Release

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This post summarizes Linux Kernel new features, bugfixes and changes in Linux 4.19.178 Release. Linux 4.19.178 Release contains 248 changes, patches or new features. In total, there are 239,909 lines of Linux source code changed/added in Linux 4.19.178 release compared to Linux 4.19 release. To view the source code of Linux 4.19.178 kernel release online,
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How to split and iterate a string separated by a specific character in C++?

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How to split and iterate a string separated by a specific character in C++? For example, “a string separated by space” by ‘ ‘=> [“a”, “string”, “separated”, “by”, “space”] and “a,string,separated,by,comma” by ‘,’ => [“a”, “string”, “separated”, “by”, “comma”] C++ standard library’s getline() function can be used to build a function. getline() can accept a
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How to split a string by string in Python?

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How to split a string by string in Python? For example, “a string separated by space” => [“a”, “string”, “separated”, “by”, “space”] and “a,string,separated,by,comma” => [“a”, “string”, “separated”, “by”, “comma”] Python’s string.split() standard library function, if provided a separator, will split the string by the separator, for example >>> str2 = “a,string,separated,by,,,comma” >>> str2.split(“,”) [‘a’,
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How to delete or get the number in the tail from a string in shell script?

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How to delete or get the number in the tail from a string in shell script (bash script)? Okay to call other tools. For example, from “/dev/sda8”, I want to get “/dev/sda” and “8” separately. This can be achieved by using sed as follows. To get the string after deleting the tailing numbers, we can
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How to split a string by string in PHP?

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How to split a string by string in PHP? For example, “a string separated by space” => [“a”, “string”, “separated”, “by”, “space”] and “a,string,separated,by,comma” => [“a”, “string”, “separated”, “by”, “comma”] The commonly used `explode()` is not enough here because multiple delimiters should be consider as one (such as ” “, 3 spaces together, is consider
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How to split a string by string in Bash?

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How to split a string by string in Bash? For example, “a string separated by space” => [“a”, “string”, “separated”, “by”, “space”] and “a,string,separated,by,comma” => [“a”, “string”, “separated”, “by”, “comma”] You can convert a string to an array using the grammar like inarr=(${a}) If the delimiter is not space and delimiter is a single character
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How to handle spaces in paths with rsync on Linux?

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The common rsync commands seems not handle spaces well. For example, rsync -avxP file “user@server:/data/my dir” It reports: rsync: link_stat “/home/zma/file” failed: No such file or directory (2) How to make rsync handle spaces well? You can use the –protect-args option of rsync. $ rsync –protect-args -avxP file “user@server:/data/my dir” What does –protect-args do: -s,
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How to get file extension in JavaScript?

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How to get file extension from a file name in JavaScript? For examples, For “file.txt”, I want to get “txt”. For “file2.multi.ext.fileext”, I want to get “fileext”. This JavaScript function works well for me. function getExt(filename) { var idx = filename.lastIndexOf(‘.’); // handle cases like, .htaccess, filename return (idx < 1) ? “” : filename.substr(idx
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How to adjust the system partition (C:) size of Windows?

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The disk management tools of Windows can adjust it to some level. But there are more space available as far as I can tell. How to further adjust the system partition (C:) size of Windows? You may check these tools: EASEUS Partition Master (free) Includes Partition Manager, Disk & Partition Copy Wizard and Partition Recovery
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Installing Latex and Compiling a Latex Docuent in Linux

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Latex is a popular document preparation system that is widely used for creating scientific and technical documents. Compiling Latex documents on Linux is a straightforward process that requires only a few Latex packages and a set of commands. By following the steps outlined in this post, you can easily compile Latex documents on your Linux
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Parameterised AngularJS Routing in Asp.net MVC using $routeProvider

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In this post, asp.net development India based professionals will brief you about the interesting feature of AngularJS, that I Routing. You will learn the method to split the single page into multiple views. For more info, read the article. In this article we are going to see one of the most useful feature of AngularJS
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Hadoop Installation Tutorial (Hadoop 2.x)

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Hadoop 2 or YARN is the new version of Hadoop. It adds the yarn resource manager in addition to the HDFS and MapReduce components. Hadoop MapReduce is a programming model and software framework for writing applications, which is an open-source variant of MapReduce designed and implemented by Google initially for processing and generating large data
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