SSD Enabled For DreamHost Shared Hosting: Simple Performance Measurement

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SSD is common for VPS and PaaS virtual machines for higher I/O performance. Now, it is coming to shared hosting too. DreamHost states that “Now with solid state drives (SSDs), our standard web hosting loads pages 200% faster”. We ourselves are happy to know this performance improvement with the price kept the same. Good work,
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How to Turn GNOME terminal to a Pop-up Terminal

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A pop-up terminal is great and handy on Linux and similar OS. On KDE, Yakuake is great. On Gnome or GTK, I ever tried Guake. It is quite good. However, it has not been as mature, stable and figure-rich as gnome-terminal. One day, I got this idea: why not using a script/program to manage the
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How to Play Movie from Remote Host using MPlayer over SSH

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MPlayer is a great movie player. SSH is a great tool to connect and transfer data over the network securely. Combining these 2 great tools together will be greater. You may already has a small server storing some movies or videos or music and playing them on your laptop will be convenient. In this post,
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How to Configure Linux Kernel Video Mode for 32-bit and 16-bit Boot Protocols

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The Linux kernel has a generic driver for a graphic framebuffer named vesafb on intel boxes. It provides a nice large console for most of modern displays. Setting VESA modes for Linux kernel with 32-bit and 16-bit boot protocol are different. We introduce both methods here. Linux kernel with 32-bit boot protocol For machine with
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Hadoop Installation Tutorial (Hadoop 2.x)

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Hadoop 2 or YARN is the new version of Hadoop. It adds the yarn resource manager in addition to the HDFS and MapReduce components. Hadoop MapReduce is a programming model and software framework for writing applications, which is an open-source variant of MapReduce designed and implemented by Google initially for processing and generating large data
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Customizing Fonts in Gnome 3

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Gnome 3 is great and I can understand that it emphasizes on simplicity. However, the configuration settings for Gnome 3 does not provide tools for certain functions that I need. One of them is customizing the fonts. This post will summarize the tools/tips that I adopted to customize the fonts in Gnome 3. Usually, the
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How to Set Up Git Commit Email Notifications

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A method to send email notification to a list of email addresses by the remote git server after every push from the client will be introduced in this post. An example notification email after a commit is shown in the figure below. The subject contains a prefix, the repository name, the branch name and the
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Managing Xen Dom0′s CPU and Memory

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The performance of Xen’s Dom0 is important for the overall system. The disk and network drivers are running on Dom0. I/O intensive guests’ workloads may consume lots Dom0′s CPU cycles. The Linux kernel calculates various network related parameters based on the amount of memory at boot time. The kernel also allocate memory for storing memory
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Unified Linux Login and Home Using OpenLDAP and NFS

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In this post, how to unified Linux login and home directory using OpenLDAP and NFS/automount will be introduced. 0. System environment This solution is tested on Fedora 12 systems and CentOS 5. LDAP and NFS server: IP: OS: Fedora 12 x86_64 ldap base dn: “dc=lgcpu1″ Clients: IP: OS: Fedora 12 x86_64 1. LDAP
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How to Copy Output of Commands in a Linux Terminal to X Selection or Clipboard

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xclip is a tool to copy the copy the output of commands from a command line in a terminal to X selection or clipboard. It connects the command line interface and the X selections (clipboard) and is a very useful tool. For example, processing some text in vim in a terminal and then copying it
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ASCII Table and ASCII Code

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This post gives the ASCII table and ASCII code with ASCII control characters and ASCII printable characters and a tool to convert ASCII codes to ASCII characters. Introduction to ASCII table and ASCII code ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. An ASCII code is the numerical representation of a character since computers
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Outlook-style Email Reply Header in Thunderbird

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Thunderbird’s email reply header is short and not like the ones in Outlook and other email clients. Thunderbird provides several integrated reply headers. However, the Outlook-style reply header with sender, receiver, date, and other information are clear and useful (e.g. my boss cc’ed an email to me to let me handle a request and I
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How to Print Notes on a PDF File with Acrobat, Adobe Reader and Foxit Reader

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Print PDF with notes is not that straightforward, especially when you want specific styles of the printed notes/comments. In this post, we introduce how to print notes on a PDF file with Acrobat, Adobe Reader and Foxit Reader. Acrobat The detailed method is posted on Adobe’s blog: Printing Sticky Notes on a PDF. Excerpt of
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在某些情况下我们需要防止用户单击窗口的标题栏中的关闭按钮关闭 MFC 应用程序。可以删除窗口的WS_SYSMENU 样式, 但是,这样最大化最小化和还原按钮也被删除,并且无法添加。 这是Windows的设计依据。 可以通过禁用关闭按钮来模拟没有关闭按钮的窗口。 在 WM_CREATE 消息处理程序中禁用关闭按钮。使用下面的代码: CMenu *pSysMenu = GetSystemMenu(FALSE); ASSERT(pSysMenu != NULL); VERIFY(pSysMenu->RemoveMenu(SC_CLOSE, MF_BYCOMMAND)); 这样删除之后关闭按钮变为灰色,用户无法点击。但是使用Alt+F4仍然可以关闭程序。要将此功能也禁用需要重载CDialog的OnSysCommand方法。代码如下: void MyDlg::OnSysCommand( UINT nID, LPARAM lParam ) { if ( ( nID & 0xFFF0 ) == IDM_ABOUTBOX ) { CAboutDlg dlgAbout; //if you have an about dialog dlgAbout.DoModal(); } //add the following code else if
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Inputting and Outputting Hexadecimal Integers with iostream in C++

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In C++, integer values can be represented in different formats, including decimal, binary, and hexadecimal. Hexadecimal is a base-16 numbering system that uses 16 digits, from 0 to 9 and from A to F. In this post, we will explore how to input and output hexadecimal integers using iostream in C++. Outputting Hexadecimal Integers To
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Java Calling Native Functions in .DLL on Windows

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How to call a function in .dll from Java on Windows is introduced in this post with an example. Platforms used: OS: Microsoft Windows XP [5.1.2600] C to .dll compiler: MS Visual Studio 2008 JDK: java -version java version “1.6.0_05” Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_05-b13) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 10.0-b19, mixed mode, sharing)
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A Free Personal WordPress Blog Solution

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If you want to have a wordpress blog for FREE + x10hosting is the best choice. I will introduce both in this post. I will briefly introduce how to set up a wordpress blog like my blog. The overall that I paid for this blog is only $0.89. I can say that it is
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Speeding Up the Site With Apache GZIP Compression

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We can speed up the site with compression while save bandwidth at the same time. As most of the modern browsers support gzip encoding, we can set it up to let the users enjoy faster speed. The Apache mod_deflate is easy to set up and standard. It compress the content on the fly. We can
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RGBlite WordPress Theme

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About RGBlite Theme RGBlite Theme is a simple and light-weight theme for WordPress. RGBlite Theme provides a green-red-blue mixed style, bright view and fast rendering experience to the users. RGBlite Theme passes W3C XHTML 1.0 and W3C CSS level 3 validation. This theme works well on WordPress 2.9.x and WordPress 3.0. RGBlite theme is among
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Emacs Tips and Howtos

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With Emacs, I feel happy. I love the rich functions of Emacs, such as compiling, quickly jumping to the lines with compilation error and debugging with gdb, and more. I ever wrote small tips posts about Emacs before. But it is a good idea to put them together and keep adding new ones. Here comes
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