How to add Chinese input method to Unbuntu 18.04?

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How to add Chinese input method, such as Pinyin, to Unbuntu 18.04? To input Chinese, first install an input method framework. Here, we use fcitx. Then you need to input the Pinyin input method. You may use fcitx-sunpinyin. Put them all together $ sudo apt-get install fcitx fcitx-sunpinyin After that, set the default input method
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How to keep master thesis safety and availability on Windows

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When you write your master thesis (in Chinese) on windows, you may have following worries. a, Be afraid your master thesis is lost (or can not be accessed) when hard disk/udisk is broken (or something other viruses). b, Keep master thesis availability (7×24) and safety. c, Do not want anyone else to access it before
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How to convert between Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese characters in text files on Linux?

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How to convert between Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese characters in text files on Linux from command line? You can use opencc to convert between Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese: For example, to transfer a file in simplified Chinese sc.txt to traditional Chinese: opencc -i sc.txt -o tc.txt -c zhs2zht.ini The authors also provide
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How to display chinese character in lxterminal

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Do you know how to display chinese character in lxterminal? I tried to install lxterminal on my workstation and it seems display Chinese characters well: FYI, my Linux system is Fedora 21. The lxterminal version: $ rpm -q lxterminal lxterminal-0.1.11-10.fc21.x86_64 Not sure what’s the reason why it does not work for you. You may check
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How to run programs in different languages from Windows’ language

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How to run programs in different languages from Windows’ language? For example, some non-unicode programs in Chinese on English version of Windows will display some garbage characters. You can use the AppLocale util provided by Microsoft to run legacy applications without changing language of non-Unicode applications (system locale): You may check this link for
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How to change the mode for simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese mode in ibus-libpinyin?

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How to change the mode for simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese mode in ibus-libpinyin? What is the shortcut like “Ctrl+.” for switching full width or half width punctuation. Use shortcut “Ctrl + Shift + F”. In ibus-pinyin version 1.3.7, this shortcut is added: 2010-05-28 ibus-pinyin 1.3.7 stable release Add Ctrl + Shift + F to
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How to make xterm display Chinese characters?

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How to make xterm display Chinese characters? It just displays some small rectangles for Chinese characters. First, the settings for some old X programs like xterm is in ~/.Xresources. And it takes effect after the X server restarts, or you can manually load the settings by xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources Second, the Chinese or similar fonts
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Systems Conferences

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Which ones are good systems conferences? Top ones by ACM and USENIX: OSDI: SOSP: Other SIGOPS Events: EuroSys: SoCC: (SoCC 2013) ASPLOS: VEE: USENIX ATC: NSDI: IEEE Conferences: ICDCS: (2013) IPDPS: Other related ones and workshops: HPCA: Search HPCA ConferenceSC: CLUSTER: HotCloud:
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Improving Fedora Font Rendering with Open Software and Fonts Only

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It is continuously discussed that some Fedora users do not like the font rendering in Fedora Linux and there are solutions to improve the font rendering with potentially non-free or non-licensed software/fonts. However, with only the open source fonts and software and little tricks, the font rendering on Fedora can be quite good. In this
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mplayer 使用中文字幕文件时经常会出现乱码问题. 以下是解决办法: 1. 外挂字体方法 比如当前目录下有文件为Gone with the Wind.avi, 字幕文件为: 可以使用如下命令来播放, 将不会出现中文字幕乱码的问题了: mplayer -ass -subcp cp936 Gone with the Wind.avi -sub 对于以上参数的解释: -ass: Turn on SSA/ASS subtitle rendering. With this option, libass will be used for SSA/ASS external subtitles and Matroska tracks. You may also want to use -embeddedfonts. NOTE: Unlike normal OSD,
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Fedora 中文字体设置

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Fedora 一直有中文字体难看的问题, 尤其是在英文环境中. 使用本文中的配置方法可以得到令人满意的中文效果. 此方案中使用字体都为开源且在Fedora源中自带. 此方案对 Fedora 9 – 20 有效. 对于后续版本支持我会确认并更新此文章. 此方案对Gnome, KDE都有效. Firefox 中也有中文难看的问题, 后面会提到. 快速配置方法 如果你想马上配置好,请使用如下命令。此方法测试使用效果良好。 # yum install cjkuni-ukai-fonts cjkuni-uming-fonts # wget \ -O /etc/fonts/local.conf 相关英文字体配置可以参考:Improving Fedora Font Rendering with Open Software and Fonts Only. Fedora 系统中文字体的配置方案 使用uming和ukai字体,即AR PL UMing CN等. 中文字体和等宽字体效果如图所示(点击看大图, Firefox 中文字体设置在后面会提到). 方法如下: 安装字体 首先安装这两个字体: cjkuni-ukai-fonts cjkuni-uming-fonts (在Fedora
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Chinese Charactor Configuration on Fedora 11

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最新的更新版本请看: Fedora 中文字体设置. 使用Linux时我个人倾向使用英文环境系统,而Fedora11在英文环境下中文字体有时会不太好看,经常遇到需要字体优化美化的问题。 以下是我的配置方案,经测试效果还算不错,解决了Fedora 11 中文字体难看的问题: 方案1:使用uming和ukai字体,即AR PL UMing CN等。 关键是使用的字体包如下: 首先要安装这两个字体: cjkuni-ukai-fonts cjkuni-uming-fonts 然后配置一下~/.fonts.conf文件. 使sans-serif serif monospace字体中文使用uming/ukai即可. 我的.fonts.conf文件可以从这里下载(两种选择, 我喜欢前者): 使用Liberation和uming/ukai字体: .fonts.cofn.liberation 使用dejavu和uming/ukai字体: .fonts.conf.dejavu 下载后放到自己的$HOME下改名为.fonts.conf就可以了。 使用uming字体效果如下(请放大后看效果): 方案2:安装文泉驿字体,这个非常简单,安装相应包即可了。 如果喜欢其它的字体选择性的安装上就可以了,只要注意只安装自己需要的就行了。有人使用微软雅黑字体,首先这是侵权的,其次开源的字体做得其实已经很不错了。 最后将字体平滑选项打开, KDE和gnome都有相关设置方法。 以上内容只是针对使用xft字体系统的设置。对于使用核心字体系统的X程序来说字体依然会出现很丑的情况。 下面是针对emacs的设置方法: 首先需要安装这个字体包: xorg-x11-fonts-misc 注意到在中文系统下emacs的中文显示非常好,而在英文环境中去非常差,我们可以利用这一点,在运行emacs前首先将系统环境设为中文即可。 在~/bin/下建立一文件ema 内容如下: #!/bin/bash rm -f ~/.emacs ln -s ~/.emacs.x ~/.emacs LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 emacs –fullheight -r $* 然后加入执行权限即可: chmod +x
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Several Vim Tips (in Chinese)

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窗口模式操作 CTRL-W CTRL-S 将当前窗口分割为两窗口 CTRL-W CTRL-W 切换窗口 CTRL-W j 切换到下一窗口 CTRL-W k 切换到上一窗口 CTRL-W CTRL-R 将窗口的位置轮换 CTRL-W CTRL-_ 将当前窗口最小化 CTRL-W CTRL-= 将所有窗口变为等大 搜索和替换 /word 搜索word 搜索之后按回车高亮显示,n 下一个 p 上一个 :%s/模式/替换成的内容/gc % 全局选项,如果没有开启则只在当前行进行替换 g 表示 全局替换,如果没有g选项则只替换每行出现的第一个单词 c 表示需要确认 Esc替换按键 ESC键在键盘的左上角,按起来很不方便,而在VIM中ESC经常用到,其实有一个同样作用的组合按键:CTRL-[,这两个按起来手基本不用做大的动作,方便多了。 块操作 使用visual可视模式 v 进入可视模式,移动光标可进行选择 CTRL-Q 或 CTRL-V 进入列式模式,可进行块操作,选定的是一个矩形块。如果使用behave mswin CTRL-V可能映射成为past