How to make curl request pass the Squid proxy?

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I use curl to send requests to remote servers like following command. curl –date-urlencode “data=hello” However, it is blocked by the network proxy squid in some networks with message like (some info anonymized with “…”): ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved POST /… HTTP/1.1 Proxy-Authorization: Basic … User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible;) Host: …
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how to integrate MySQL client into self designed database

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Currently, I need to integrate MySQL client into SQLE as SQLE’s client. And then, we just need design/implement a translation layer to transfer MySQL protocol into SQLE engine part (KV+ internal exactly). Mysql-Proxy could solve this problem but it is complex to be only a MySQL server. Therefore, I remoduled MySQL-proxy to be more simple
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Direct multi-hop ssh connection

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How to use multi-hop ssh connection without needs to ssh multiple times? As a example, you are connecting to through from as follows: laptop —-> proxy —-> server 2 possible methods: Method 1: Use the similar method as in Directly SSH to hosts using internal IPs through the gateway. Add this to
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How to set Internet Explorer’s Proxy in command line on Windows 7?

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How to set Internet Explorer’s Proxy in command line on Windows 7? You can use this tool: SetProxy. On Windows 7, it works still to set IE’s proxy. Note that the proxy setting is for IE only. If you need to configure the proxy for other services like Windows Update or other programs that use
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How to set Google Chrome’s proxy settings in command line on Linux?

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How to set Google Chrome’s proxy settings in command line on Linux? I am using Google Chrome on Linux and start it by google-chrome. How can I set the proxy using the command line? It tell me that my desktop is not supported but I can set the proxy in command line. Use the –proxy-server
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Chrome’s KDE proxy integration broken on KDE / Fedora

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Chrome reads the proxy settings from Gnome correctly. However, when I run Chrome under KDE, the proxy integration is broken: In the settings of Chrome, clicking the “Change proxy settings” opens the KDE proxy setting dialog correctly (the command kcmshell4 proxy actually is executed). However, after the proxy settings are made, Chrome does not read
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Hadoop Installation Tutorial (Hadoop 2.x)

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Hadoop 2 or YARN is the new version of Hadoop. It adds the yarn resource manager in addition to the HDFS and MapReduce components. Hadoop MapReduce is a programming model and software framework for writing applications, which is an open-source variant of MapReduce designed and implemented by Google initially for processing and generating large data
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Git through SSH Tunnel as Proxy

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git is a great tool and it is common to have a git server over SSH possibly managed by gitolite. However, there are situations that we can not directly connect to the git server but be able to SSH to another node that can connect to the git server. The git server may allow only
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Directly SSH to Hosts’ Internal IPs Through the Gateway

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We have many hosts with internal/LAN IPs like 10.0.3.* behind a gateway and the hosts with LAN IPs can connect to the Internet through the gateway. We used iptables to forward port from the gateway to internal IPs so that users from hosts with Internet connections can SSH to the gateway’s forwarded port to log
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SSH Port Forwarding on Linux

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Port forwarding (or tunnelling) is a method to forward one network traffic to another. We will introduce how to forward ports using SSH tunnel in this post. A simple example Let’s start with a simple and useful example: we want to forward local port 8080 to server:port. We can easily do this by using ssh
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How to Configure iOS to Use Socks Proxy over SSH with a Linux/Unix Host

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The socks proxy I created following Proxy Using SSH Tunnel works very well on both Linux and Windows. However, when I try to configure my iPhone and iPad with iOS, I find iOS does not support socks proxy in its settings interface. I don’t know why it is not added while socks proxy is indeed
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Proxy using SSH Tunnel on Windows

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This article is an instruction of how to use on a Windows machine. The mechanism is similar as the one in with “Proxy listening to localhost port only”. Download PuTTY PuTTY is the software we use here for port forwarding. Please download it following the links in Configure PuTTY and create a
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Essential Firefox Add-ons to Make Firefox Better

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Firefox is highly configurable and there are lots add-ons for it. Addons make Firefox to be good. In this post, I list a set of the best add-ons that I use daily and make my life easier and happier. Essential Firefox addons Screengrab! to make screenshots and save to files or to clipboard. Foxy Gestures
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How to Change the Site’s Default 404 Error Not Found Page

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The apache’s default “404 Error not found” page seems ugly. And may some hosting service put theire ads in it. We can add some entry in .htaccess to change the defualt 404 error page. This method can also be used for some other error codes. A list of the server returned codes can be found
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Linux Cluster Solutions

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Solutions to Linux cluster construction and management such as unified account management, NFS home directory, network configurations are summarised in this post. The post is keeping updating while new solutions is added to this site. ===Account and storage management=== [[unified-linux-login-and-home-directory-using-openldap-and-nfsautomount|Unified Linux Login and Home Directory Using OpenLDAP and NFS/automount]] [[backup-linux-home-directory-using-rsync|Backup Linux Home Directory Using rsync]]
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How to Use Google Apps Account for GTalk in Pidgin

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I believe many users are using pidgin and google apps. Google apps support Google Talk. Can we use it in Pidgin? The answer is yes. How to use Google apps account for Google Talk in Pidgin will be introduced in this post. Let’s use one email address as the example: eric @ First add
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