What Are the Secrets Behind Google’s Success Story?

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Google has created an image that tells us its core values are centered around innovation. There are very few companies that can boast a similar level of influence as Google. Nevertheless, we should not only focus on Google’s achievements today but also learn from their journey to the top. We can break down Google’s core
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Google Chrome keyboard and mouse shortcuts for Linux and Windows

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What are the Google Chrome keyboard and mouse shortcuts for Linux and Windows? Keyboard shortcuts of Chrome can make it easier to control the browser and save our time. Here are a list of commonly used shortcuts: Ctrl+T Opens a new tab. Press Ctrl and click a link. Or click a link with your middle
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7 Common On Page SEO Mistakes You Are Making and You Should Not

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With Google algorithm becoming more intelligent with each passing day, the margin for errors has significantly reduced over the past decade. Back in the day, you might get away with keyword stuffing but today, the same offense will strike off your website from Google search engine results. No one wants that, right. To save you
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How to Add Google to Firefox in Linux Mint as Default Search Engine

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In Firefox on Linux Mint, Google is not in the default list of search engines. Linux Mint has its criteria for adding search engines while Google seems not in those suggested by Linux Mint because “Amongst commercial search engines, only the ones which share with Linux Mint the revenue Linux Mint users generate for them
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Search Engine Friendly URL for MediaWiki

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MediaWiki is the wiki-engine that runs Wikipedia. In this tutorial, we introduce how to configure search engine friendly URLs in MediaWiki. ==Search Engine Friendly URLs== Default MediaWiki URLs look like www.example.com/w/index.php?title=TITLE which is a little ugly. To make it more search engine friendly, we will change it to SEO-friendly URLs like www.example.com/w/TITLE. ==Enabling Search Engine
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Friendly WordPress Navigation Using Page Numbers Instead of Next and Previous Links

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The navigation will be more user friendly with page numbers instead of next and previous links since users can navigate much quicker to the page they want to see especially when there are a lot of pages. It is also good method for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) because it creates a tighter inner link structure.
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Using noindex Meta Tag in WordPress to Prevent Search Engines Indexing Categories, Tags and Archives

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WordPress may show “duplicate” content which may potentially confuse search engines. Duplicate content won’t hurt much, unless it is spam or keyword stuffing, as said by Matt Cutts, and Google may just ignore the duplicate content. However, instead of letting the search engines decide which pages of the duplicate ones are important, we may only
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Use Excerpt in Index, Category, Tag and Arhieve Pages for WordPress

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By default, all of the content of the post is shown in index, category, tag, archive and search pages. This is duplicate contents which may cause search engine penalty. The better way is using excerpt in index, category, tag and arhieve pages. By doing this the duplication can be avoided and the blog is optimized.
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How to Redirect Old Domain to New Domain Using htaccess Redirect

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I want to move the sub domain blog.pkill.info to systutorials.com permanently. I can manage all the pages I want to post using WordPress. Changing domain in a bad way is dangerous. Put a page the tell the reader that the site is moved to a new domain is very unfriendly to the user and also
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