Where Does Evolution Save Its Data and Configuration Files on Linux?

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Evolution is a great personal information management tool that provides Email, address book and calendar tools. Evolution provides many enterprise friendly feature such as native support to Microsoft Exchange connectivity for Emails, address books and calendars. Evolution uses various ways including plain files and dconf configuration systems. This post will give an introduction to the
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Essential Gnome Shell Extensions for Gnome 3 Users

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Gnome Shell has a clean design. But many users want to get more from the desktop environment. Gnome 3’s extension system can help users customize the Gnome Shell’s look greatly. In this post, we summarize 6 extensions we considered essential to make Gnome Shell great. AlternateTab Make Alt-Tab “classic” instead of grouping windows by application.
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Notes for Beginners of Software Development on Linux

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Linux is a great platform for software development targeting servers or backends. In general, working on Linux is very productive. The problem that beginners on Linux face is the the learning curve is steep at the beginning. But believe me, after you get through the initial green steep learning step as in the figure below
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How to Configure Scanner in an HP All-In-One Printer on Linux?

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The hplip packages contains all the tools you need to set up the HP scanner. For scanning, you may use the sane and xsane tools. The tricky part to enable the scanner is carefully choose which driver to use from the hplip package. If you choose a non-suitable driver, only the printer will work and
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Extending Mounted Ext4 File System on LVM in Linux

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LVM is a great tool to manage hard disks on Linux—you can abstract the hard drives away and manage logical volumes from volume groups, you can dynamically add or remove hard drives while the file systems on the logical volumes need not to backed up and recovered, and you may create many snapshots of the
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Keyboard Key Mapping for Emacs: Evil Mode and Rearranging Alt, Ctrl and Win Keys

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Ctrl keys are important and possibly most frequently used in Emacs. However, it is painful on today’s common PC keyboards since Ctrl keys are usually in the corner of the keyboard main area. Why the key mappings in Emacs are designed like this? After it was designed, Emacs was commonly on the Lisp Machine keyboards
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How to Create Fedora 20 Domain-U on Fedora 20 Domain-0

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In this post, creating a file-backed virtual block device (VBD) and installing Fedora 20 in the Xen DomU via internet will be introduced. This domain is created on a Fedora 20 Dom0 as introduced in https://www.systutorials.com/installing-xen-on-fedora-20-as-domain-0/. For better performance, you may consider using LVM backed VM. Create file-backed VBD The actual space of VBD will
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Installing Xen on Fedora 20 as Domain-0

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I ever introduced [[installing-xen-domain-0-on-fedora-17]] as the first try to use the xen package delivered from Fedora and get away from manually compiling Xen and patching the kernel. In this post, I introduce installing Xen Dom0 on Fedora 20. Installing Xen First, install the xen pacakges: # yum install xen The Linux kernel is already ready
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Improving Fedora Font Rendering with Open Software and Fonts Only

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It is continuously discussed that some Fedora users do not like the font rendering in Fedora Linux and there are solutions to improve the font rendering with potentially non-free or non-licensed software/fonts. However, with only the open source fonts and software and little tricks, the font rendering on Fedora can be quite good. In this
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Git through SSH Tunnel as Proxy

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git is a great tool and it is common to have a git server over SSH possibly managed by gitolite. However, there are situations that we can not directly connect to the git server but be able to SSH to another node that can connect to the git server. The git server may allow only
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Improving ssh/scp Performance by Choosing Suitable Ciphers

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Update on Oct. 9, 2014: You should be aware of the possible security problems of blowfish and it is suggested not to be used. Instead, you may consider ChaCha20 as suggested by Tony Arcieri. To use this with OpenSSH, you need to specify the Ciphers in your .ssh/config files as chacha20-poly1305@openssh.com possibly with another default
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Making Emacs Start Up Faster

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I use Emacs in terminals and start/close Emacs frequently as needed like in a file checking-editing-closing loop. However, Emacs seems take some time to start up especially some heavy modes are used. How to make Emacs start up faster? (If you just want the solution/script first, find the command in the summary section.) My solution
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How to Set Up A Gitolite Git Server – A Ten-Minute Tutorial

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I ever introduced seting up git server using SSH or gitosis. However, gitolite is the way to go for managing git servers if you want an lightweight authentication layer. gitolite provides many very usefull features which can control each user’s right on each branch. I set up one gitolite git server and am very happy
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Infrastructure Software For Fedora

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Fedora is a popular distro supported by the RedHat Corporation. This article recommends you some infrastructure software and how to install them in details. Minimize and Maximize window 1, Install software gnome-tweak-tool # yum install gnome-tweak-tool 2, Start gnome-tweak-tool and set minimizing and maximizing functions as follows. Actually, gnome-tweak-tool has more functions than what I
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How to Connect to Remote Servers by VNC on Windows

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Software you will need 1, Putty 2, Real VNC viewer 3, twm (lightweight desktop). On fedora (centos, redhat): sudo yum install twm (on other distros, you may need other commands, or download source code and install it). Specific steps 1, Enter your Host name and port in putty. 2, Set port forwarding in putty Tunnels.
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Emacs Tips and Howtos

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With Emacs, I feel happy. I love the rich functions of Emacs, such as compiling, quickly jumping to the lines with compilation error and debugging with gdb, and more. I ever wrote small tips posts about Emacs before. But it is a good idea to put them together and keep adding new ones. Here comes
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Configuring Mouse Cursor Style for QT Applications in GNOME / MATE Desktop

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QT and GTK applications use different settings for cursor styles. This makes the mouse cursor styles for QT applications in the GNOME / MATE desktop environment or GTK applications in the KDE desktop environment look different with other programs. In the post [[configuring-mouse-cursor-style-for-gtk-applications-in-kde-desktop]], we talked about how to configure the mouse cursor style for GTK
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Installing Fedora 17 PV Domain-U on Xen with PXE Booting

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An introduction to the general method of installing Domain-U on Xen is introduced here: Setting Up Stable Xen DomU with Fedora: Unmodified Fedora 12 on top of Xenified Fedora 12 Dom0 with Xen (this is a general introduction, some details are changed, such as ‘xl’ replacing ‘xm’, LVM backing the disk for higher performance. But
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How to Change Systemd Runlevel on Fedora Linux – The Manual Way

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Fedora Linux starts to use systemd to manage system service. The /etc/inittab is no longer used by systemd. The old method of editing /etc/inittab to change system runlevel does not work anymore. This post introduces a “manual” way to change the boot levels. For the general method, please check https://www.systutorials.com/change-systemd-boot-target-linux/. systemd uses ‘targets’ instead of
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