Linux User Group Management and Operations

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Linux allows more than one users to log into the system to run processes/programs at the same time. In order to make this multi-user system work properly, Linux provides ways to isolate and protect users from each other and manage the permissions efficiently. One of the mechanism is user groups. Linux users may be grouped
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How to Install Wine 32-bit on CentOS 7

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Since version 7, RHEL has only x86-64 versions. The same thing happens to CentOS 7. In CentOS 7/EPEL, there is only package for Wine x86-64. However, many Windows .exe files are 32-bit. Even there are 64-bit versions for some software, their installation file is 32-bit. And for some certain software such as Office 2007, 32-bit
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Changing Systemd Boot Target in Linux

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Many Linux distros, such as RHEL/CentOS 7, Fedora, Ubuntu 16, are now using systemd instead of init as the init system. It is common for Linux users to set Linux to boot to “GUI” or “Text” mode. The old way of changing ‘/etc/inittab’ for choosing Linux runlevels is not working for sytemd. This post will
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How to Change Linux Account Password Through SSH: A Beginners’ Tutorial

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People are sometimes given access to Linux/Unix and asked to change their initial passwords. But for beginners, changing a Linux/Unix password is not an easy task, especially when there is only SSH log on allowed to the Linux/Unix server. This post introduces how to change password of user USER on host HOST remotely using SSH.
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How to Set the Static IP Address Using CLI in Fedora/CentOS Linux

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How to set the static IP address for CentOS 7/Fedora 22+ is introduced in this post. Here, we assume the Linux is using NetworkManager to manage the network. All steps are done as root. Find the interface you want to set the address Command ifconfig -a lists all interfaces. Find the interface name to set,
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How to Configure Scanner in an HP All-In-One Printer on Linux?

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The hplip packages contains all the tools you need to set up the HP scanner. For scanning, you may use the sane and xsane tools. The tricky part to enable the scanner is carefully choose which driver to use from the hplip package. If you choose a non-suitable driver, only the printer will work and
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How to Clean RAID Signatures on Linux

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RAID systems such as MegaRAID add signatures to disks to maintain the infomration on these didks. When we simply remove these disks and install them to another server, Linux on the new server may detect these RAID signature infomration and refuses to continue write to the disk. Here is one example that mkfs reports “apparently
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Improving ssh/scp Performance by Choosing Suitable Ciphers

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Update on Oct. 9, 2014: You should be aware of the possible security problems of blowfish and it is suggested not to be used. Instead, you may consider ChaCha20 as suggested by Tony Arcieri. To use this with OpenSSH, you need to specify the Ciphers in your .ssh/config files as possibly with another default
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Accelerating WordPress with WP Super Cache, Opcache and Autoptimize

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WordPress can be very fast after some effort on performance optimization with the help from its plenty of plugins. Possible ways include using cache to cut down the number of database queries, improves HTML/JavaScript/CSS code, and optimizing PHP’s performance with opcode cache. In this post, we introduce how to speed up WordPress with OPcache, page
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How to Set Up A Gitolite Git Server – A Ten-Minute Tutorial

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I ever introduced seting up git server using SSH or gitosis. However, gitolite is the way to go for managing git servers if you want an lightweight authentication layer. gitolite provides many very usefull features which can control each user’s right on each branch. I set up one gitolite git server and am very happy
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PHP Photo Gallery Scripts Requiring No Database

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It is nice to set up some photo gallery on the web and share with friends and family. Some online services are good and convenient. But if you want to host it on your own domain and control them by yourself, there are also many scripts available. Usually, we want the script simple to use
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How to Find Out Failed Disks’ SATA Ports in Linux

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The Linux disk names (e.g. sda1, hdb3, etc.) are not reliable—they may be changed if there are hardware changes, such an adding or removing a disk. Additionally, the order for the Linux device names is not always the same as the order of SATA poets. For example, the disk connected to SATA port 0 (first
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Yum Using DVD as Package Repository

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We introduce the method to use DVD as the package repository for yum. In this post, we use CentOS 5 as the example. 1) Modify /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo Delete baseurls in [Base] baseurl by add ‘#’ at the beginning of the lines Then add a line at the end: baseurl=file:///media/CentOS_5.0_Final ‘file://’ means this is a local directory.
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Emacs Tips and Howtos

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With Emacs, I feel happy. I love the rich functions of Emacs, such as compiling, quickly jumping to the lines with compilation error and debugging with gdb, and more. I ever wrote small tips posts about Emacs before. But it is a good idea to put them together and keep adding new ones. Here comes
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Installing Fedora 17 PV Domain-U on Xen with PXE Booting

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An introduction to the general method of installing Domain-U on Xen is introduced here: Setting Up Stable Xen DomU with Fedora: Unmodified Fedora 12 on top of Xenified Fedora 12 Dom0 with Xen (this is a general introduction, some details are changed, such as ‘xl’ replacing ‘xm’, LVM backing the disk for higher performance. But
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How to Flush iptables on Fedora Linux

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iptables is a mechanism in Linux kernel for port forwarding, NAT, firewalls etc. In Linux distros, such as Fedora, the iptables is configured to be as a “strict” firewall that opens a limited know ports, such as 22 for SSH. However, in some network environment, such as a private cluster, the nodes are trusted and
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How to Set Default Entry in Grub2 and Grub

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Linux booting is usually controlled by Grub or the new Grub2. Setting the default booting entry is a frequent operations. Here, we introduce how to set the default entry in Grub2 and Grub. Setting the default booting entry in grub2 Note1: With some version of grub2, the grub2-set-default method and the script below may not
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How to Install Xen on Fedora as Domain-0 (Fedora 17)

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The new development of Xen and Linux kernel make it easy to install Xen on Fedora as the Domain-0 now. This post uses Fedora 17 as an example platform to introduce how to set up Domain-0 on Fedora Linux. Compared to our old method ( which requires manually compiled Xen and patched kernel, the current
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How to Disable IPv6 on Linux

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IPv6 is enabled by default on most Linux distros. However, IPv6 is not used for some situations for most of time and it may cause troubles and requires effort to protect the network and ensure the security. This post introduces how to disable IPv6 support on Linux (newer modern Kernel versions). First, add these lines
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